Friday, March 11, 2011

Quiverfull links

Differences between small and large families... - BaylyBlog: Out of our minds, too...


“Do Large Families Burden the Older Children?” If we still lived in a time when we had no choice in the size of our family, no one would even ask this question.And it was this time that produced, well, all of history including all the great men and women that ever lived.

Wanna' be smarter? Have a baby.

The church and the family. If I don't write that book soon, Kelly will!

Reasons I Don’t Want to Have a Million Children

I have eight children. The comment quoted in this blog discribes a nightmarish big family as typical and then asks "Does this sound familiar ladies?" No. It doesn't. Oh we do use bunkbeds and can't afford fancy vacation, but, no. What she discribes is not the norm.

The Large Family Myths
Large Family Mothering: Mommy's toolbox--large family myth busters

What it is, and what it's not

Parenting a large family is not easy.

Do you have your Catherter yet?
Love this article by Generation Cedar. It really puts our birth control mentality into perspective and can jsut as easily be applied to hospital births, public schools, government healthcare, and not serving God (all unnatural).

So You Prefer I Use Birth Control?
“Are you Crazy!?”
“Don’t you know what causes that?”
Or the one we received….
in church….
from a minister….
“Don’t you own a TV?”

One for You, One for Me: Shanghai's Two-Child Policy
And WE still don’t get it.

Its all about the money

Are we dying to have small families?

Children….Blessings but….

Scary article, but nothing I haven’t already seen happening in our society. He just puts it into words.

For a summary of my research into the Bible's view of children and homemakers:

This is the sermon I gave last Mother's day.

The benefits of pregnancy (besides getting a baby of course:)

Wanna' be smarter? Have a baby.

The church and the family. If I don't write that book soon, Kelly will!

The Case for Kids

Life comes from God and that's the reason we did not stop life...

Fear of fertility

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