Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In the Midst of a Revolution

We are in the midst of a major revolution; one to equal the Industrial or Agricultural revolutions.

Education: Soon, we will no more educate our children the way they did 3000 years ago in ancient Greece (bunch of kids locked in a room with a teacher.) There is simply no need for it today. Most children have more information available on the smart phone in their pocket than all the teachers in their entire school put together could come up with.

There are more and more "virtual schools" available, also, many geared toward the parent's specific world view, and for very affordable prices.

It simply doesn't make sense to limit a child to what is available from some little girl/teacher in some classroom anymore!

And brick-and-mortar schools are expensive. The physical schools cost WAY too much money to build and maintain, especially when you consider each child has a home of some sort being paid for at the same time. It would be much more efficient to just educate the child in that place that is already being paid for by the parents, even if we bought each child a computer!

Of course the Teacher's Union is fighting this because it would mean less money for them, but one teacher, hired by the parents through paypal could easily "teach" (guide the education) of three times as many kids for the same amount of work over the internet.

The only problem is the baby-sitting factor while both parents work, which brings us to  the next area of the revolution...

Work: It is an increasingly possible for more and more people to earn their living at home. For most people the only reason their job couldn't be done from their own house is because their employer just hasn't realized the savings: no having to pay for the work space for each person! After-all, they are already paying for their own space at their house. Why not let them do their work at their own desk, in their own living room, with temperature controls set to their own comfort? Greatly reduced saving for janitors, utilities, mortgage, etc.

And the savings to the worker! No more gasoline and other commuting expenses. Reduced clothes expenses and lunches out. And most of us are paying for the desk space and equipment anyway. Most employers would help with the computers and stuff because they would be saving so much by not duplicating what you already want in your home.

And self employment is increasingly possible through the internet! How long before it is more common to work for yourself than for someone else? this is really just a return and modernization of the way it was when we were an agricultural society; each family working together on its own property, being their own bosses.

It's just a matter of time before half the country is working from home.

And since the parents are home anyway, they can "babysit" their own kids.

Media: We have all grown up with all of our information and entertainment controled by someone else. NO MORE!

Now with Netflex, Amazon, YouTube, I-Tunes, etc, we can all watch and listen to what we want to, when we want to, and even produce it ourselves! Why just watch when you can do?

In fact, radio, newspapers, and TV are all dieing industries. They are outdated and obsolete. After all, how did you find out about the latest killer tornado? I heard on Facebook minutes after it hit from people that live there. What do I need the media for?

This of course removes control of information from the Main Stream Media to the people, where it should be in the first place. This is the very thing the First Amendment was designed to protect and encourage.

Banking: My adult son asked me the other day if he really needed to keep his bank account or if Paypal would do all he needed. You know, since Paypal began issuing debit and credit cards, the only reason I can come up with for a real bank account is if he can't get paid that way through his job. Even then, I am sure a way could be found to cash his paycheck and get him the money into his Paypal account. Might even become normal very soon for bosses to just email you your check!

Very soon, we won't even need brick-and-mortar banks for loans or any other business, either.

Shopping: I only need to say three words: Amazon. Ebay. Craigslist.

Politics: Between social sites, email, camera phones, youtube and everything else out there, this arena is seeing earth-shaking changes also.

The protestors in Arabic Spring last year used facebook and twitter to organize their protests. Of course, the governments didn't have to torture anyone to get the name of their friends, either. They just took their phones and logged into their facebook accounts.

Oppressed people can now get all the information they want on their computers. Their governments can't keep them in the dark anymore. Course, governments can also kill anyone they want from space with drones.

Where this will all end up, we have no idea at this time. It is entirely possible that our grandchildren will not even recognize our lifestyles!

All we can do is hold on and enjoy the ride:-)

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