Friday, November 29, 2013

Culture of Life Africa: Turning up the Heat of Population Control in Africa

Culture of Life Africa: Turning up the Heat of Population Control in Africa

Many rich Americans are sending a lot of money to Africa to provide birthcontrol for the Africans.


To people who have a good chance of two out of every three babies dying before their first birthday from Malaria, malnutrition, dirty water or war.

Yeah. That's what every grieving mom who just lost her third baby in a row needs- birthcontrol.

How arrogant can you get? And, yes, I mean you Mrs Gates and your cronies.

What these women need is food and water, medicine, the ability to go to the bathroom and gather firewood without getting raped.

Birthcontrol, humph!

These women WANT babies and you try to force ways to stop them.

Here is a bit of news to all you birthcontrol proponents:
The human race can't survive if they don't have babies. If you keep women from getting pregnant and abort the ones they do conceive, Africa will become a wasteland. Entire peoples will be wiped out. Sounds quite racist to me.

American women may be most interested in sleeping around with whoever they want, but most of the world actually loves babies and understands that they are necessary for the future. Why don't we put our money where it will help the most? Let's take on the corruption (imagine what could be done if the Gates put their money into promoting honesty in politics!) hunger, disease. Just a little training in cleanliness and nutrition for traditional birth attendants would go a long way.

Really, liberalism in a religion and birthcontrol and abortion are their sacraments. That is the only rational explanation for these rich women's behavior.

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