Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Cost of Working

The Cost of Working

This is a link to a calculator that helps to see how much the second income in a family costs them. Sometimes it just isn't worth it.

We all know that kids do better with their mom than with strangers taking care of them. It's only logical. What we don't often think about is the benefits to mom and dad.

The family with a stay at home mom often has way more time for recreation because mom takes care of the "weekend" chores during the week. So everyone- including mom- can rest way more on the weekend.

This allows dad to rejuvinate and be better able to compete at work. He is more likely to be able to preform in a way that gets more raises and promotions with less time simply becasue he doesn't have to care for the laundry, supper, or other household jobs when he gets home. In fact, I have read some studies that said men with SAHW often make a way higher income.

To turn this around, the extra stress of having a working wife and having to make up the slack at home may be keeping some men from achieving what they otherwise could at their own jobs.

And for the mom? A SAHM/W is her own boss. She decides what needs to be done and when. She does things her own way in her own time. She is free to express herself in her HomeMaking, making art out of everyday-life.

She has time to really know her kids. This time of having kids at home passes by all to fast. It can never be regained once lost. And it is really so short; just 18 short years to form a responsible human being. How sad to be too sad and overworked to enjoy this job.

And sex? I don't see how couples with a job each ever have the energy. 

Keeping a home running and all the attached responsibilities is a full time job in itself. Trying to do that while working for someone else, even if the couple splits the work between them, is just way more stress and work than God intended us to have.

It's worth having a lower standard of living (Gasp! all my cars were bought used!) and have peace and time in our lives.

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