Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Skin Salve

I am working on a deal with an eFriend/distant relative for her to carry the skin salve I make.

I began making this salve shortly after starting to learn about herbs. It is based on salve offered by others, but my own recipe.

Have you ever heard Rhett and Link's "Rub Some Bacon On It"? A silly song extolling the virtues of bacon to cure whatever ails you.

I often feel like I am singing my own version of their song, "Rub Some Salve On It."

Rashes, cuts, scratches, burns, anything wrong with the skin, Rub Some Salve On It! It relieves pain and helps the skin heal faster. (This is done by providing the skin with the nutrients it needs to heal itself, instead of relying on the vitamin and mineral stores in the rest of the body.)

This last month we have found it works well on Chicken Pox, too.

Yes, Chicken Pox.

Personal Family information:

  • Hubby- had CP as a child, been blahhh for a month now.
  • Me- had CP while pregnant with child 2. Been blahh for a month now, especially bad today.
  • DC 1- had CP at age 2, suffering with shingles this last month.
  • DC 2- I was pregnant with him when I had it and he was vaxed at 1. Today he is in the worst day of CP, itchy, painful, but slathered in salve.
  • DC 3- Vaxed. Been blahh for 2 months now, though continuing to work full time.
  • DC 4- Vaxed. He had a couple of off days, but is fine. 
  • DC 5- Vaxed. She's ok
  • DC 6- Vaxed for CP. A few off days, but ok.
  • DC 7- Not vaxed for CP. Had a full blown case a couple of weeks ago.
  • DC 8- Not vaxed at all. Perfectly healthy. Not a pox in sight.
  • DC 9- Not vaxed at all. The first one to have polka dots. 
So, 3 with pox, 1 vaxed and 2 not. Very interesting. 

But the point is, my salve and oatmeal/chamomile/calandula baths are the only things bringing relief. 

The distant cousin (our grandpas were brothers) who is interested in my salve makes her living making soaps and lotions with goats milk (from her own goats). She sells at arts and craft shows, as well as online.

I traded her some soap for some slave a while back and she loves it! Now she wants to carry it for her customers too :-)

So, coming soon, Sugar Plum's Family Farm Skin Salve! (or whatever she decides to call it)
(created by Tracy Enterprises :-) )

Other $ News

I was able to get a booth space at Dayton's Oodles of Noodles event at the last minute. Like, the Friday before the Saturday event.

We had a great time and made a tiny profit. I really need to have about twice as much stock in order to make a real profit, but that can only come in time. I did meet some neat people:

One lady greeted me with "I want a Peacock!" (one of our most popular clips.) I got her her peacock!

RosieAnother who fell in love with Rosie, but needed one 2 sizes smaller than the one I had in stock. She bought it anyway and promised she would buy the right size later. She hasn't yet, but I saw her walk by several times with Rosie in her hair. 

A woman who fell in love with the ugliest clip I had (bought in a bundle of clips at Black Friday. I would never have picked this one out by itself). But in her hair it was stunning! Wow!

And many others :-)