Friday, February 27, 2009

(Insert half scream of terror and half amusement here)

God definitely has a sense of humor.

Those who know me know that I have always loved animals, especially farm animals. My two favorites are horses and cows. One reason we bought as big a piece of land as we did was in hopes of raising our own beef. I also wanted rabbits again and, well, just a whole farm. You wouldn’t believe the trouble we have had in the last eight years trying to find farm animals in this ranching community!

My mom offered to help us get our oldest some chickens for a school project this spring. They arrive in a month.

My hubby came home about a month ago and told me to go to craigslist and email the lady about the rabbitry for sale. Long story short- Our three Red Satin rabbits were due to arrive tomorrow. She called this morning and has moved the day to…..TODAY!!!

A few days later he has me email another craigslist ad for cows. We went and looked at them (this is only the third or fourth time we have found cows in lots less than 25 for sale here!). Very nice animals, but the cost of feeding a Holstein (big black and white cows at the dairies) scares us a bit. She does have some steers available in two weeks for a ridiculously small amount of money, so I am preparing for that.

My friend who is also interested in getting a cow (she has a large family too), found an ad for Jerseys (look like a mix between a deer and a cow and give much less milk, thus need less feed). Sum total:

I pick our rabbits up at 1:30 then go to a dairy and get two cows (one for my friend whose fences aren’t quite ready yet). We begin our new jobs as milk maids tonight!

The steers will be here in two weeks and the chickens in a month.

I am going from no farm animals to a full fledge farm practically overnight!

God is so good.

(Ummm, God? You know that promise that You won’t let anything come on us we can’t handle with Your help?......)

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