Wednesday, January 20, 2010


First a definition:

Illegal alien: one who breaks the current laws in order to come into this country.

By definition, an illegal alien is a criminal. He broke the law. He should be treated like a criminal and deported (possibly after jail time if we can afford it, which of course we can’t). Yes, I am sad for the conditions they have to live in at home, but that doesn’t excuse the whole-sale thumbing the nose at our laws.

The results of illegal immigration

The country of origin doesn’t have to change because those with any gumption, those most likely to demand and work for change, are busy earning money in America (which is sent back home to artificially boost their economy, keeping even more people from working for change. Hey, what a deal for those politicians!) Thus, those who are left behind are left in far worse conditions in the long run.

The illegals, because they ARE criminals, are not protected by the same laws as those here legally (both citizens and legal immigrants). This makes them beneath the law. They don’t have to be provided with minimum wages, healthcare (30,000 of the 45,000 uninsured in this country are illegals), social security, unemployment insurance, disability, and so on. They are the new slave class.

Allowing criminal immigrants to stay is a slap in the face to every LEGAL immigrant. It tells those who bothered to jump through the hoops necessary to come here within the law that they are stupid. Now, I believe we should raise our quotas and allow MORE legal immigrants in from every nationality. We simply aren’t having enough babies to supply the workforce we need here. There is no reason we can’t raise the quotas.

Those who come here illegally are not subjected to the background checks that legals are subjected too. This means that murderers, rapists, and thieves who are running from the law in their own countries simply come here to avoid prosecution. Look the numbers up some time; crime rates are highest in big cities (where illegals congregate in order to find work) and in border communities. Plus, our immigration laws demand health checks to protect us from certain diseases. Criminal immigrants don’t go through these checks.

Add to all this that all those extra people force all wages at all levels to be lower, and we can see how we all hurt.

Criminals should be treated like criminals. They should be arrested and deported.

More people who want to obey our laws should be allowed in...LEGALLY.

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