Monday, October 08, 2012

Socialism means "to put under government control." The opposite of "socialist" is NOT conservative, fascist, republican or any other word being bandied about.

The true opposite of a socialist is an anarchist, someone who believes there should be no government whatsoever.

I'm not an anarchist.

We need government. The Bible specifically gives the right to punish evil doers, protect national boundaries, and administer justice to the government.

But socialism eventually leads to the other very extreme: Tyranny.

It doesn't really matter if you call the government a monarchy, dictatorship, communist, socialist, democracy or whatever. The result when ANY government gets too powerful is a bunch of dead people.

The democrats in this nation are socialists. Period. BO is the worst of them. We MUST get him out of office.

But today's "Republican" isn't really a lot better. Listen carefully to Romney's speeches. He does believe in individual power economically, but that is about it. He believes every other aspect of our lives should be "Under government control."

In a country patterened after our constitution, he individual is free/requiered to find his own solutions to problems. If individuals can't solve a problem than small groups try (i.e. churches, neighborhoods). Then a solution would be sought at a citywide, county wide, then statewide level. Only if a probablem couldn't possibly be solved at a lower level would the feds be called in.

Now think about it; If your neighborhood was totally free to solve the problem of, say, educating the children in your neighborhood, and ONLY YOUR neighborhood, what solutions would they invent? What innovations would be applied to this problem? How much better of an education would the children receive?

Now, I will vote for Romney.


But, you know, crashing into the ground of tyranny at a 45 degree angle is only a little better than doing so at a 90 degree angle:-(

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