Sunday, May 14, 2006

Learning and not

I'm baaaack. I hope, anyway. i still don't have the new flooring in and when that happens I will be focusing more on that again. My parents are still not in there house. There have been some delays. sigh.

We will be working on our plant unit study more tomorrow. since we are having company, i don't really expect to get a lot done.

Wednesday and/or Thursday we will be working at the church to get it ready for the children's carnival and health and safety fair next weekend. Hopefully it cools down some. It was over 90 today!

I have run across some information that is helping to make my web site better as well as learning how to make an ebook. Those lessons I have been giving at the ladies meetings every month would be a perfect first ebook (my homeschool: Why What How is in ebook form at, but they are the ones who put it in that format and are selling it.)

I am considering recording that talk on the stars I have given at church twice now and offering it, too. Hmmm.

I should finally be ordering more hard copies of my book this week. finally got everything to the printers. this is a company i haven't worked with yet. the book will be in normal, trade binding this time. can't wait!
I am doing all this money stuff to try to ease the burden on hubby, but more to get the information out to others. God has blessed me with the resources to do a lot of research, and I want to share that.

When will I learn to keep my mouth shut? People talk and don't really want my opinion. They ask when they do. I "opened mouth, inserted foot" at church again today. sigh. It is just like the Bible says, the tongue is VERY hard to control. God, help me to shut up. You know the burning desire to help that i have, but you also know that talking at the wrong time does more harm than good. You know those that I am dealing with and how they're resistant to what is on my heart. I know You call different people to different things at different times. Help me to keep that foremost in my mind.

still some coughing going on. I think it is allergies. Hubby is felling better!yeah!

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