Saturday, March 08, 2008


Let’s see, the time of testing that began last September has continued. We had to have one of our cats put down this week. We noticed a growth on his side a few weeks ago. It appeared to be healing so we figured he had hurt himself on something (one of our younger cat’s claws maybe?). Just last week we began finding blood everywhere he napped. The growth had quadrupled in size and was oozing. I googled it and am pretty sure it was cancer. He was an old cat when we adopted him from the humane society. We don’t really know how old, but we have owned him for six years. This was most likely the first of a long series of aging ailments. I simply couldn’t put the old boy through the pain and fear of treatments and illness so we made the difficult decision to just let him go quietly.
He wasn’t the kind of cat who wanted lots of attention. He was quite stand offish, really. Though he did greet my mother every time she came to visit and would wrestle my dad. He also joined us for school, bathing in the middle of the living room floor for history and literature reading. He also happened to be in the window anytime we came home. I discovered the secret to that one day when I was sick. Hubby took the children out for a ride so I could nap. After an hour or so he suddenly came charging through the room and jumped up into the window. Not a minute later our van pulled in the driveway. He had been listening for us! You will be missed Whiskers.

Oh, an I have lost the plans for the triple bunk we are building for the boys. I can’t find it ANYWHERE! GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

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