Friday, May 30, 2008

Two articles I have run across in the last two days.

The first is about asthma and allergies. It reports on two studies done trying to find the causes of these ailments. The first study says it may be due to mom’s allergic reactions to the little ones and birth order. This still seems very inconclusive to me.
The second one says they may be due to C-sections. Though this is the smaller study, when you combine the trama ALL c-sections put a baby through with the lack of natural processes that God designed into the system, it does make sense.

This second one is about the increasing rate of pre-maturity in this country. 92% of the increase in pre-mature babies occurs in c-sections. All the midwives in the country are saying “duhhh.”

God designed our bodies to give birth. Modern medicine has done a great job of fixing many of the results of the The Fall. However, they have not limited themselves to just fixing the broken. Modern medicine thinks it can improve on God’s design. 80+% of babies in this country are induced! Man thinks he knows better when a baby should be born than God Himself! I lay odds most of those c-sections are due to “failed” induction attempted before the baby was ready. Doctors with their sonograms think they know what they are doing, but they don’t- obviously!
Today, more and more doctors are acting like the “estimated due date” is an expiration date. The truth is, the “normal 40 week” gestation was set on a whim by some man in Germany, not by scientific study. One study in fact has shown that left untouched, the “average” gestation is 41 weeks and 1 day, with “normals” ranging two weeks on either side.

If you are pregnant, you have rights. You can tell the doctor no. In fact, I believe it best to not go to a specialist in problem pregnancies (obstetrician) in the first place. Go to a family practitioner or a midwife, specialists in “normal.” If you have a problem, they will refer you to the proper specialist. This is one of the few things I think Europe actually does better than us. And you know what? They lose fewer moms AND babies than we do! (Sweden, for example, losses a third as many babies and half as many moms by percentage. More than 70% of their babies are delivered by midwives, half of them at home.)

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