Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Food Aditives

There is a way that seemeth righ unto man but the end is death. Proverbs.

Everytime I hear anyone talking about a great new chemical food I think about this scripture. Here is my phlosophy of health:

  • God created the universe.
  • God is love.
  • God knows everything.
  • Thus, God created for His materpiece (humans) the most nurishing, tasteful food possible.
  • Due to the Fall, we have diseases and some foods may not be as healthy as the originaly were, soooo
  • God gave some basic rules to follow that would keep His people as healthy as possible.

Anything humans do to "improve" this food, takes away from that food and causes problems.

The simplest example is wheat. The wheat grain is one of the best balanced vitamin packs in the world. Not only that, it is simple to prepare to eat. Just crunch it raw or toast it. If you really want to do more (raw is a little hard on my teeth), grind it, add some water, salt and yeast, let it sit for a while and bake it. Hmmm, I think I am making myself hungry!

But let humans get hold of it and "improve" it. We routinely take the germ and bran off the grain, removing more than twenty-five known nutrients. This makes the flour white and fluffy. We then bleach it to make it pure white. Isn't that so much better?


The reason God put those nutriunts in there in the first place is because we need them.

The reason He didn't bleach wheat white is becasue the bleach is a poison (It is one of the chemicals used to give lab rats diabeties so they can find a cure.)

White flour makes people sick. Simple as that.

Another way man messes our food up is to put additives in it. This is usually done to prolong shlef life so the manufactur can make more money, or to increase the flavor or color so you will buy more. I have even heard accusations that they intentionaly use chemicals they know are adictive in order to increase profits.

Here is a list of twelve ingredients to avoid in order to protect your health.

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