Saturday, December 08, 2012

Quick Takes Friday

1. Working on getting caught up on pictures. Sorely regret not being a journaler or a scrapbooker all my dc growing up. Maybe I can do better with the grand-kids when they arrive.

2. The Betty's Books needs a whole new store. The old one works I guess, though we've only ever sold 3 things from it. But it is so boring it's painful! I am in the process of switching to a blog based store. check it out: Old store and the future one.

3. Joshua (8months) has been sick this week. He is now acting more normal, but you can tell all is still not quite right with the world.

4. Missing two school books. The owners swear they haven't lost them on purpose. Sigh. I will actually have to clean the girl's room if my mom doesn't find them at her house today.

5. We've had a few new people at our church lately. refreshing.

6. Happy trip to my friend Sharon who is graduating from her collage today. She took her courses by correspondence and because she was a straight A student, over 65, and had never been through a graduation ceremony, the school chipped in the cost of a plane ticket for her to go out there for the ceremonies. I hope she has a great time:-)

7. When I sit and think about it I am so overwhelmed with God's provision. A couple of years ago this above mentioned friend needed new housing asp. God gave her a very nice apartment.

Another friend wanted to buy a house. She kept getting rejections of her bids for descent places. Then a house hit the market that is as, uhhh, unique as she is. It has nice big yards for gardening even. and she was able to buy it for less than half the original asking price.

I needed a new vacuum. Someone donated a Kirby to our church at a time when no other members needed one.

I needed a piano. Someone gave the church one right after they had bought a new one and, again, no one else needed one.

A woman told us she had some brand new clothes to give anyone in our congregation who needed them. I thanked her and assured her I would love them. didn't even ask the size. I had just asked God for some better, more business like clothes. He doesn't get sizes or styles wrong. And He didn't. they were just what I wanted:-)

Be sure to check out the other Quick Takes Friday posts:-)

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