Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Be Fruitful and Multiply

I just finished reading Nancy Campbell’s “Be Fruitful and Multiply.” Though this book held very little new information, the information and arguments in it were very well written and enjoyable to read. The book is actually a bible study, though I didn’t read all the questions, but skipped to the “meat” of each chapter.

The chapters are: (parentheses are my comments on each chapter, not the author’s)
1. The first commandment (Do you know what God’s first command to humankind was?)
2. God loves increase (Did you know that every time God says He will bless someone, He says He will multiply them?)
3. The blessing
4. Gifts from God (Children are gifts from God).
5. Arrows for God’s army (Are you going into battle unarmed?)
6. Build the home and leave a legacy (Americans tend to be embarrassed to admit they would like to leave a legacy of offspring just like them, but it is natural and biblical)
7. The natural function (What were you created for)
8. Trust and obey (God)
9. God’s provision (God doesn’t give white elephants.)
10. The blessed seed (Not sure I agree with her conclusions in this chapter)
11. When did contraception begin? (She talks a great deal about Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. This woman was a bigot through and through. Her total aim in founding PP was to exterminate blacks, Jews, the handicapped and the poor! She would turn over in her grave to discover that today rich white families have fewer children than the poor. Even today, you will find more PP centers in poor and minority neighborhoods than in the rich ones. And the black population in America is dwindling. Some cities had more black abortions last year than births! This would thrill this evil woman. And now that we know that the pill and IUD cause abortions also (they only prevent ovulation 90% of the time. The rest of the time there is a good chance conception takes place but the hormones in these products prevents the new baby from implanting so it dies), it makes this organization even worse. One film I watched recently had an interview with an ex-executive of PP. This woman says they would intentionally give teen girls the low dose, largely ineffective pill. Within a year of their opening a clinic in a neighborhood the pregnancy rate would have more than doubled. The workers in these clinics are paid on COMMISION! The more abortions the clinic performs, the more babies they kill, the more money they make! The woman in this interview was pulling in six figures when she got saved and quit her job. This is a multi million dollar organization that makes a BIG profit on women’s confusion and misery. The pill has been linked to breast cancer and cancers of the reproductive organs, heart disease, blood clots, and infertility. Abortions have been linked to breast cancer, infertility, miscarriage, post traumatic stress syndrome. Sometimes babies are not quite killed in an abortion and are born alive. They are usually left to die of starvation or they have their skulls crushed, or they are bled to death. Most of what I have written here came from other sources, by the way; not this book. She does have a great deal to say on the subject however. For example; have you ever noticed that birth control, sterilization, and abortion rights are always talked about together?)
12. To which kingdom do you belong? (If Satan hates people and God loves people, who would be behind our birth control mentality?)
13. Protect your unborn babies from death. (Details on the pill causing babies to die. She runs the numbers. Did you know there were an average of 1 million Jews killed every year during WW2? There are more than 1.2 million babies killed in abortions in the US every year. If Mrs. Campbell’s numbers are correct, the pill alone may be causing more than 2 million early abortions per year. )
14. The sovereignty of God. (Is God Lord (Boss) of ALL areas of your life or just some of them? Did you know that vasectomies cause prostate cancer, performance problems, kidney disease, heart disease, abscess of the liver, allergies and many more diseases (immune dysfunctions due to sperm not going where it is supposed to.) Tubals cause endometriosis which leads to hysterectomy which causes osteoporosis, hormone imbalance, necessitating hormone replacement therapy which causes cancer and heart disease.)
15. The vision.(Do you have a vision for conquering the world for Jesus? A very practical plan being used by Muslims today and easily implemented by Christians with at least as much success is presented.)
16. Do not deprive. (God, eternity, your children, your souse, yourself, society)
17. Why parents in the 21st century love having children (A list of 101 reasons sent to this author for having more children. My favorite is #61- We still have an empty seat in our van.)
18. What do children say (A list of what children say about having more children. Adorable)

I highly recommend this book.


  1. (saw this on the web)

    Unborn children should have the right to keep and bear arms - and legs and ears and eyes etc. Alma

  2. Aman!

    I like it:-)


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