Friday, August 08, 2008

Many women are MAD


The feminists LIED!

We were told to go to college, get settled in a career, then marry, THEN have children. This plan necessitates delaying childbearing until at least 30. Then you can have a great job, home, hubby, and children. “You can have it all!”

They ignored or were ignorant of basic biology. A woman’s fertility drops by 50% by the age of 30 if she hasn’t had any children yet. It keeps plummeting until many, many women are infertile by 35. (Men’s fertility drops dramatically by this age also, by the way) It turns out if you don’t have children by your mid 20’s, there is a good chance you won’t have children….period.

And marriage? Honey, all the good men will be married by the time they are 35. You will be left with either someone much older who is widowed or divorced (with all the baggage that entails) than you or the “leftovers.”

The fact is, if you marry young, hubby and wife can “grow up” together. They never have to learn to adjust to another human in the house because it has always been that way. Their marriage is much stronger.

And children? The earlier the better. The sooner you carry a baby to term the more likely you will be able to carry a baby to term. The younger you begin to have children the more you are likely to have. And, frankly , if the western world doesn’t start having more babies- and soon- we might as well all go out and buy our burkhas . We are killing our culture by simply not having enough children to carry it on to the next generation. Don’t believe me? Run the math: the average “western” woman is having 1.8 (or fewer) babies. The average Muslim woman is having 6.5 (even if she lives in America or Europe.) It is less than 20 years before those Muslim babies are voting!

Even if you manage to do it all (have a career, home, hubby, and children) the fact is there simply isn’t enough time in the day to truly HAVE it all.

· The average American house needs 35 hours per week of maintenance (shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.)
· The average child needs a minimum of 8 hours of time from someone who loves them enough to go through labor for them (most daddies would, if they could, so that counts), per day, to be mentally healthy (That time includes the time spent helping with the house work. It is in fact detrimental to a child to have that much focused time. But they need that much time being a working member of a household. More is better.)
· Hubby needs at least 15 minutes per day. Your marriage will be strengthened exponentially by each hour spent together.
· You need about eight hours of sleep per night to keep away illness.

This all adds up to a minimum of 21.25 hours per day! How are you going to fit a job in there? And this is just the bare minimum. Without this, something has to suffer, usually the children as they are the least able to fight for what they need. Marriages also suffer in our “liberated” world. “The propensity to divorce is apparently correlated with two-income families. Hymowitz notes that the “traditional families, with breadwinner husband and stay-at-home wife had the lowest rate of divorce.” Women employed 80% of the time since the birth of their first child are twice as likely to be divorced as stay-at-home moms.” ( )

Heaven forbid we let our job suffer!

The sins of our feminist mothers

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