Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Evils of Socialism

Lets begin by defining the term so we all know what we are talking about.

Socialism is government ownership and control of industry, the economy, and property.

Let’s word that definition another way:
Socialism is one small group of fallible humans telling the rest of us what to make, sell and buy, where to live and work, what we can and can’t do with our hard-earned money and property. Because getting people to go along with this takes a good deal of indoctrination, it also must including telling us what we are and are not allowed to believe including how to educate (indoctrinate) our children, what we are allowed to watch on TV and in the movies, what we are allowed to preach from our pulpits.

In other words, socialism is slavery (slavery can also be called Facisim, communism, Nazism, dictorial monarchy, military dictatorship, and several other things that may look different on the surface but from the point of view of the common man all amount to the same thing.)

I will grant right now that we need government. It was one of the three institutions God created. He specifically gave government the job of protecting the borders and punishing criminals. He did NOT give it the job of raising children, feeding the hungry, housing the poor or 90% of the rest that it does today. Those jobs were assigned to the family and the church. Though He commanded Israel and the early Christian church to care for the poor, He at no time gave the government any power to enforce that command (look it up. There was no penalty for not caring for the poor). Charity was an issue between the individual and God, not government. Christians who want to use the government to take care of the poor are wanting to take the easy way out. It is much easier to pass a law forcing people to give of their hard earned money than it is to convince them to do it willingly. It is much easier to make your neighbor support your pet charity than to sacrifice your own goods to do it (Liberals give way less of their own money while demanding way more of their neighbor’s money for charity than do conservatives. Charitable giving records show that those who value private property willingly give more to those in need.) Socialism is the cheaters way, not God’s way. The giver gets no reward for his “generosity” when it is forced, while the forcer (government) gets to look big and compassionate (while keeping their own property of course).

And from the point of view of the poor, socialism replaces God with government. Hungry? Don’t pray, go to the food stamps office. Homeless? Don’t pray, go to HUD. Unemployed? Don’t pray, go to the Unemployment office. And so on. Government (and by extension, those in office) becomes the new “god.” Rely on Uncle Sam to meet all your needs. Who needs some God who demands righteousness anyway? We all know that all things good come from Washington and they don’t care who (or what) we sleep with.

Socialism gives one group of human beings the power to rob another group of human beings with no consequences.

Socialism not only takes the workingman’s hard earned money to give it to someone who didn’t earn it, but it robs him of the blessings of giving to the needy himself.

Socialism robs the poor of discovering God through their needs.

Socialism is evil.

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