Friday, June 11, 2010

Women and Mothers

My nutty children have taught my 2yo to call me Mamasita (sp?). to see such a little squirt saying such a big word and in another language- hilarious. (We have been using Rosetta Stone for Spanish lessons for a few months now. I highly recommend it. Your family will be much better off with all the discussions of pantelones sopa added to your life:-D)

Big news of the week: The house four doors to the north of us burned down. We had six different police departments and at lest four different fire companies here. A little touchy when the field/backyard caught, but they got it all out. Such a beautiful house, too. The only sight-built on the street:-(

Things like this remind us all of the impermance of stuff. The young couple that lived there went to work like normal that day. I can imagine them coming home and thinking "I'm sure I left the house right there." They havenothing but what they had in their car left. Nothing.

The facts on college.

A blantant example of propaganda. A publisher puts a warning lable on the Declaration of Independance and the Constitution. The lable itself advises parents to tell their children that our society's ideas on certain issues have changed since these were written. This very "disclaimer" is the publisher's attempt to undermine the documents it is selling; an atempt at question begging. They are planting the idea that these documents no longer apply to us without giving us the honest option of facing the question "do these documents apply to us." Disgusting.

christianity has been the biggest force for equality of respect for women. Other religions either elivate them to dimi-goddesses or subjects them to sub-humanity. However....

Modern "Christianity" has lost its way. It is now a feminized religion. I don'treally blame men for leaving the church. It's time we began acknowledging God as the Warrior King He is. Can't wait till the sequeal of this article is printed.

"Motherhood is not about the mother; mothers are in full-time ministry serving the Lord.”-Mark Driscoll

The consumer is the ultimate power.

Woman as Mother by Mark Driscoll

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