Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Not sure...

If the testing post worked. It appears it may have posted on facebook but not twitter. interesting.

I was working on our fence line this morning when my feet began to hurt. At first I didn't think anything about it since I was walking through tumbleweeds and sage brush (which have been know to cause me mild allergic reactions. Just wash my feet when I am done and it's gone though so no big deal). I even took each shoe off, dumped it and brushed my feet off. The pain kept getting worse until I had to run into the house. As I was soaking my feet in cold water in the tub, I saw a red ant. I evidently stepped on his home. I have no idea how many times I was bit or how many ants were involved, but by breakfast I couldn't walk. My feet felt swollen to twice the size of a house (though they didn't look like it) and HURT. I used my herbal salve I make, but that didn't faze it. I coated my feet in a paste of baking soda and that seemed to help. I also took a clariton (I've heard that the pain from insect bites is actually an allergic reaction) and put on my soothing music. Now, I generally have a very high pain tolerence but my feet still hurt a little and definitly feel swollen and uncomfortable to walk on. I will be more careful about ant hills in the future.

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