Saturday, July 09, 2011

Feminists are scitzo

Why would I say such thing? Well think about it; they insist on telling men they must treat women exactly the same as they do other men. Women are exactly the same after all. But when a man who takes poke at other men’s noses when he is mad does the same to woman, now all of a sudden this is wrong. He is supposed to be chivalrous and treat women gently. Make up you minds ladies! You can’t be treated special and not special at the same time!

And the most feminist women in my life are the ones who are dieing to have more grandbabies. First they spend their children’s entire lives preaching that caring for children is brainless, worthless work and that babies are a hindrance to happiness (“the pill/feminism is great because it allows women to do what they want instead of being stuck at home with children”), then they get upset because their daughters and daughters-in-law only want one or two babies. Don’t these women hear themselves talk? Don’t they see the scitzo in their beliefs?

And they lie too. Feminists tell us they want women to have more power and that is why they want women to work outside the home. This is simply not true. They want women to work outside the home so they have LESS power. A woman who is home raises her own children. This is the place of ultimate power. She is forming tomorrow’s world and the feminist know it very well. They would much rather she put her children in daycare and got a job so they can get their professionally indoctrinated brainwasher’s (teachers) hands on them sooner; before mom ruins them.

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