Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Parent’s Job

Psychobabble Parenting
All you really need to know about parenting. Seriously.

Giving Children Freedom and Self-Control
“I pray for the day we will stop jailing our children in government institutions…. Education has become religious dogma.”
What a child really needs to become a successful adult.

Parents: Never Underestimate Your Importance
What does prostitution have to do with parenting?

I don’t even know why American parents have children. Seriously. They complain about being pregnant the whole time and instill fear in soon-to-be-parents about labor (and obviously they think it WAS that bad because they only do it once or twice). The minute the kid is born they get rid of it at some kiddy-prison. They do everything they can to make sure they don’t actually have to spend any time with the little brat (oh, they call it extra curricular or enrichment activities, but the kids all know the truth. Mommy and daddy don’t want to be part of their lives.) They don’t even want to worship with their child but pick churches that squirrel them away where they don’t have to see them for the whole day.

What’s the deal? Are children really so awful?

Well, actually, if I had most kids I meet now a-days I would probably have far fewer too.

The fact is that children become what you make them to be. What they are taught does matter. They are learning every minute; when you walk out the daycare door, the bully takes their toy, no one answers when they cry from lonliness, or mom and dad are too tired to listen at the end of the day. Yes, they are learning.

Now, again, I am NOT talking to the involuntarily single mom. They don’t have a lot of choice. Churches should do more to help them stay home with their children.

I am talking to the married couple. The one with the nice house, nice car, nice clothes and enough food to be fat. Yes, I am repeating myself. You are putting your life style, your comfort, your “feel goods” ahead of what is good for your child.

And it shows.

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