Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Commune System That Works

I have been reading Charlotte Mason's second book ("Parents and Children"?) I am only in the introduction, but I have run across an interesting idea.

She compares the family to a commune. Think about that: all property is held in common (except what the rulers [parents] decide can be private). Everyone has their job to do and everyone receives the benefits of the whole household. She's right, you know.

And that is why a communist government will never work. "Communism" requires a Father and Mother who 1)are the wisest, most informed people in the group and 2)are concerned more than anything with the well being of their subjects, not their own personal comfort. Isn't that the definition of good parents?

With a government structure, however, you have a group of (in the case of America) 300 million intelligent, informed adults. No human being is qualified to take point number one. There does not exist anyone who is smarter and more educated than absolutely every citizen in the country (and, frankly, if there is, he is unelectable). No adult has the right by virtue of his position to tell another adult what to do. Oh if you do evil you should be punished, of course. But no one has the right to tell you what to do with your time, energy and money. Adults don't take to this kind of bossing very well.

Point 2- "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" Thomas Jefferson wasn't talking about horse-power. Those who gain total control of their fellow citizens will be tempted by the power to "feather their bed" so to speak. It is unavoidable. That is human nature.

A third point about the family commune is that all the "regular citizens" (children) have a hope of growing into ruling their own little "commune." They know this totalitarianism is just temporary. This is simply not possible of a government. Adults chafe at being kept eternal children which is what is required for the survival of a communist government.

Communism simply can't work with an adult population.

Socialism is just a politically correct term for communism.

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