Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bee Balm

Other Names:
Oswego tea

Monarda didyma (mint)



Stems: 3’ hairy, upright, bushy, square

Leaves: large, toothed (sometimes smooth), smells like thyme or oregano

Flowers: 1-3” terminal clusters, scarlet, tubular, dense head



Soil- wet, hardy, rich soil; shade,


What to Collect- young leaves and flowers

When to collect- June- August,

Buy- roots or seeds



• Short/ Long term use

Activator Builder Cleanser


A (Above ground parts, bind at cut, dried in shade, chop, store in jars)

B (large roots, cut, dry on newspaper, chop ¼”,)

C (fruits, very wet, hang in cheesecloth drapes)

D (Barks, string on bailing wire and hang)

Form- infusion/tea, decoction, tincture, powder, Poultice, ointment. baths, Salad, stir fry, pot herb, aromatic,

Vitamins-A C

Minerals- calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron

Uses- seasoning, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-helminthic, (roots and leaves) worms, poultice- skin infection, tea- mouth and throat infection, stimulant, gas, stops menstruation, potpourri

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