Thursday, April 08, 2010

A proposed new law

In as much as it is in the interest of the government to have the most educated populace possible, and in light of conclusions reached by scientific study and common logic, the following resolution shall henceforth be Federal Law and shall be superior to all preceding laws and ordinances, Federal, State or Local.

I. All parents and guardians shall cause their children between the ages of nine and fourteen to be instructed in basic reading and math skills. The failure to do so will result in the fine of 10% of the parent’s or guardian’s income as of the last tax return filed.

II. The teaching of any other subject will be left to the desecration of the Parents or guardians, as will content and methodology of all courses

III. All parents and guardians shall receive a tax credit of equal amount to the individual tax deduction for each child between the ages of five and twenty for the purpose of assisting in educational expenses. All “school taxes” will henceforth be suspended.

IV. Parents may be required to forward all educational tax credits to any public school they choose to send their child to.

V. The burden of proof of educational neglect shall rest on the state.

VI. Exemptions shall be granted when a verifiable physical defect of the brain shall be diagnosed by three separate medical practitioners, at least one of which shall be an expert in the field of brain function and capabilities.

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