Thursday, June 26, 2014

Chuck Norris: 'Public schools are little more than secular progressive indoctrination camps' | Christian News on Christian Today

Chuck Norris: 'Public schools are little more than secular progressive indoctrination camps' | Christian News on Christian Today

He complains that when you have a school controlled by liberals, of course you have all conservatives thought blocked.

He (and most conservatives) are missing a major point:

When you have an educational system founded on liberal principles (take from the rich to give to the poor, make everyone's education absolutely equal) you WILL have the whole system controlled by liberals and you WILL have all conservative thought censored. Liberal control is the natural result of a liberal system. Why in the world would you expect a communist school (and that is what our system is) to give voice to freedom, self determination and belief in God-as-God  (instead of state as god)?

If you really want conservative education you must start at the foundation.  We must redesign education in this country to be free market, with charities filling in the gaps for the poor. We MUST remove ALL government control and put the power in the hands of the people/parents.

You simply can't get freedom from slave methods. You can't get God from state-worship. You can't build a skyscraper on the foundation of a dirt hut.

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