Monday, June 09, 2014

the HAES� files: A Weight-Watching Sister | Health At Every Size� Blog

the HAES� files: A Weight-Watching Sister | Health At Every Size� Blog

If dieting hasn't worked yet, what makes you think it ever will?

Less than .05% of people ever take the weight off and keep it off for 5 years.

I mentioned to a man that a certain large-sized celebrity had perfect heart and blood tests, so this was proof that weight isn't necessarily relavant to health. The man then asked "If he is so healthy then why is he fat?!"


God made us in many different sizes. The number on the scale has little or nothing to do with your health. Skinny people aren't necessarily healthier. Fatter people aren't necessarily less.

Lets quit looking at looks and start looking at true health.

Now to find a method of exercise that I actually enjoy:-(

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