Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The constitution

We the People of the United States,(not the aristocracy, no the rulers, THE PEOPLE)

in Order to form a more perfect Union,(More perfect than the Articles of Confederation)

establish Justice, (make a just court system)

insure domestic Tranquility (make sure we can have peace instead of the sates fighting among each other),

provide for the common defense (Have a standing army to protect our borders),

promote the general Welfare (this does NOT mean taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor. Quite the opposite. It means to put in place such laws as will provide the most freedoms and liberty for everyone. Welfare, business bailouts, subsidies all hurt the people that receive them and remove money that has been earned by others from their pockets and redirecting it to bureaucrats to be used at some politicians discretion. This is NOT good for the common good),

and secure the Blessings of Liberty (make the blessings of God and His freedom, as designed in the bible, available…)

to ourselves and our Posterity (to us and our children and grandchildren),

do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

This is the reason for the writing of our supreme law of the land.

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