Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Is the American dream dead?

I recently read an article where the person being interviewed thought the American dream was dead because he can longer go out and buy a house, SUVs’, big screen TVs, etc. This drives me nuts! Where did this idea come from that material wealth is the American dream?

It is not!

The American Dream is:
1. To worship our God in anyway you feel He has called you to. That is why the Pilgrims left everything they knew, (their homes, jobs, friends, families,) risked a dangerous, month long ship ride here, and suffered the death of half of their colony the first year. It certainly wasn’t for $$$$$$$!!!!!!!! Religious Freedom is the number one American Dream. Sadly, this freedom is disappearing quickly. We can no longer speak of Christ at the work place or even wear religious slogans on our clothes without risking being charged with “hostile environment.” We can’t display nativities on public property. We can’t even say “Merry Christmas” to our customers. There are many who are trying to remove religious programs from the TV and radio, force the teaching of Atheistic Evolution in private education, and pass laws that would arrest my father and husband for saying homosexuality is a sin. Religious freedom is just about gone.

2. A big part of the “American dream” was the respect for private property. Now, this may sound like I am saying that owning a house and cars is part of the dream, but it is not, not exactly. The “American Dream” is the RIGHT to own property, not necessarily the achievement of ownership. The achievement is up to you and God, and luck, if you believe in it. But as far as the United Sates Government is concerned, every citizen has the RIGHT to own property. Or they used to. Now, if you own land with an endangered species on it you still have the “honor” of paying property taxes, but you can’t do anything with the land. It must sit there costing you money. And of course you can’t sell it because no one else can do anything with it either. No one would buy it. The one who controls the land, owns it.

Our governments are also telling us what colors to paint our houses and stores, how tall to make our fences, what trees to plant in our yards. They have also mandated that everyone live at a middleclass standard of living; in other words, you have to afford electricity and running water or else loose custody of your children.

The “war on drugs” has done a great deal of damage to these rights also. Did you know that if a government official accuses you of carrying drugs, they can take away your home, cars, everything, without trial, without jury, without recourse? You will never see your property again even if you are found not-guilty. Now, I don’t approve of drugs, of course. But this is a direct threat to every citizen’s rights to property.

3. The right to Liberty is threatened. Right now, if I want to move across country, I can. No one can question me. No one asks to see my papers when I am traveling. This idea of a national drivers license and ID card is the beginning of the end of that. The fact is that your school and financial records already follow you for life. Plans are in the works to do the same with your medical records. It is one short step from keeping records to keeping control.

4. The right to Life has, of course, been gone for a long time. Oh, our government isn’t rounding up adults to execute…yet. But when we deny the very weakest of our citizens the right to live just because they were conceived at an inconvenient time, we have given the government the right to deny us our rights when we become “inconvenient.” It won’t be long, maybe a generation, before the government begins to encourage the elderly to commit suicide. They are too expensive to care for, you see. Then the handicapped, the Christians (always among the first to be executed), followed by anyone else who is deemed “unworthy” or “inferior.”

How can I say these things?

I have studied history.

“He who does not know history is doomed to repeat it.”

Our society is horribly lacking in historical knowledge. All this has been tried before: welfare, government schools, feminism, homosexuality, public works, business bailouts, farm subsidies, hate crime laws, abortion/infanticide, easy divorce, “free sex,” every value and government institution that marks our society has been tried (these institutions and values lead into one-another, so you seldom have one without eventually having them all).

The results have always been the same; tyranny and a lot of dead people. Everyone else in slavery.

Just watch; there will be a major attempt at removing our weapons very soon. It will likely succeed this time. This is the next necessary step.

Our Founding Fathers knew all this. They were very well versed in History. They feared a big government as well as the “rule of people.” That is why they created a Republic (not a democracy), where every power is supposed to be balanced by the others. That is why it is so slow to get anything done in our country; it was designed that way in order to protect us from a corrupt justice system, power-hungry politicians, and even ourselves. We have slowly destroyed these checks and balances. Executive orders, Judicial Mandates, ruling by popular opinion polls, yes, they are destroyed or well on the way.


The American Dream is Dead

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