Monday, May 04, 2009

The Illogic Of Christianity.

The fact is, our religion is an illogical one. At least it is according to human logic.

I believe logic to be one set of natural laws God created. Much like other natural laws (those governing physics, math, health, economics, etc.) we humans are just learning about them. We are a long way from truly understanding them.

“If you want to live, you must die.”
“If you want to be first you must be last.”
“If you want to be greatest of all, you must become least of all.”

These are totally illogical to the human brain, but perfectly logical to God.

I have found in my own life that;

The more I submit to my hubby, the more he builds me up.
The more I give my life to my children, the more “life” I have.
The more I seek to serve, the more I am put into leadership.
The more I make others a priority, the more my personal desires are fulfilled (as per the cow in our backyard).

This is totally illogical, yet exactly what the Bible tells us is true.

A good article on male headship.

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