Saturday, June 13, 2009

I am trying to find a way to explain

what I am seeing in the “Christian” community. I have several posts began on my computer, but none of them are just right. Let’s see if I can explain it;

I see a false religion portraying itself as Christianity taking over our churches. This religion teaches that there isn’t really a right and a wrong; that no one has the right to tell anyone else they are doing anything wrong, that we are all sinners and so no one has a right to call anything sin. If you try to point out that some behavior is unbiblical, you are called judgmental, condemning, self-righteous, legalistic. In other words, the only “sin” is to tell someone else they are sinning.

Where did this idea come from?

It came straight from the religion of atheism.

If there is no God, then the only standards are those that society (man) has created. Standards change with each generation, each cultural change. Thus, anyone who says anything is “wrong” is imposing their own religion on others.

So here we are. Even Christians are saying that the greatest wrong in our society is not tolerating gays, divorces, premarital sex. Or not “going green.”

So here is the truth, like it or lump it;

A Christian is, by definition, someone who is “Christ-like.”

Christ preached righteousness, “go and SIN NO MORE.” He taught about hell and judgment more than any other preacher in the Bible. For goodness sake, He beat the sellers in the temple with a whip! He called the Pharisees “snakes” and “children of the devil.” Those who didn’t know right from wrong He TAUGHT right from wrong. He didn’t let them continue in their sins. He told them to change. Those who knew but ignored right from wrong, those who tried to make up their own rules, He called names and warned them that they had better change or else.

The Bible is the absolute word of God, dictated to those who wrote it down. It is infallible. If it says something is wrong, then it is wrong. Period. A “Christian” tries to live their life as close to what the Bible says as possible. Yes we are human and all make mistakes (not sin- MISTAKES) occasionally. Because of the fall, not everyone is able to follow the Word (such as single mothers who must make a living instead of being keepers at home.) to the top degree. In fact, I would go so far as to say most can’t.

But that is no reason to not do all you CAN do to live close to God’s righteousness.

It’s time for Christians to read their Bibles again and start living for God. It’s time to start acting like Christians instead of heathens.


  1. I Love this post!
    I have wanted to say something similar for such a long time!!
    We all start to fall short and need our fellow Christians to gently remind us and point us in the right direction. When we are all ignoring each other and looking the other way and being careful not to step on each others toes its hard to get reminded.
    Thanks for pointing out something we ALL needed to hear!
    God Bless,

    PS- just a note on "going green" The Lord did call us all to be good stewards of both our money and this world we live in, Christians especially need to step up and INSIST we are all going green and being good stewards of the only earth we have. Global Warming and the incredible amount of toxins causing us all to be sick are evidence of the sin we all, Christians included, have committed by not only not being good stewards but instead neglecting earth and our own bodies with the use of chemicals and not caring about the earth and wildlife around us. We as Christians MUST stand up together and demand we all start being stewards of the earth around us.
    We should also all start being better stewards of our bodies and start using more natural and holistic healing methods. That's part of being Green to yourself and the environment!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment:-)

    While I certaily agree that we should be wise stewards of our planet and our bodies God has blessed us with(including using herbal medicines when possible so we have fewer side effects), the problems I see with "going Green" (as difined by the media) are that, first of all, it is based on bad science.

    The entire Global warming scare comes from a computer simulation. A computer can not think nor can it prophecy. It can only correlate and regurgitate the information humans feed it. I have researched this issue and the information fed the computer was faulty. I think God has a great sense of humor. Every major "global warming" rally in the last few years has been snowed out:-)

    I do believe we are experiencing global warming, but the evidence points to it beginning after the Ice Age (a century or so after Noah's Flood). It is not the result of the modern American lifestyle, but the gradual heating of our sun. Something caused by Adam's fall (and thus human's fault) but beyond our current control.

    Recycling often takes more resources than it saves because it is so heavy on fuel usage.

    Most of our illnesses today are either due to gluttony, laziness or man thinking he knows better than God ("That wheat doesn't need that bran God put there")

    In short, I agree that we need to be wise stewards, with the emphasis on "wise." We must do thourogh research. And above all, make sure we really are loving God more than planet earth.

    What scripture says it is a sin to neglect the earth and wildlife?


Thank you so much for commenting! I love to talk to my readers.

I do ask that there be no anonymous commenters, though. If I am brave enough to put my name on this blog, you should be too:-)

Please keep it civil. Remember we are all human and make mistakes, and that since we can't see each other's faces or hear each other's tone of voice, it is very hard to get the emotion in what we are saying each other. Use lots of emoticons! :-) And show grace and love to each other.