Sunday, August 02, 2009

The problem with school vouchers

I have heard the teacher’s union argue against vouchers because they would cost public schools too much money.

With the proposals I have seen this is illogical (and even more reason to not let them teach my children. People who can’t think, shouldn’t teach)

One proposal offered a 50% voucher to the parents and gave the other 50% of the state’s money for that child to the public school they would have gone to. Let’s take this to its most extreme:

If you have one million children that the state is paying $10,000 each to educate and ALL of them choose vouchers, the school still gets 5 billion dollars…. With NO STUDENTS TO TEACH! How in the world is this LOSING money? They could quit paying utility bills, let every property go back to the bank, and just send each teacher and administrator a check to stay home.

The truth is that the teacher’s union doesn’t want vouchers because they will loose the true commodity: the children. They know that if parents have true choice, they will not choose public school and then the teachers can’t indoctrinate those children into their socialist worldview. In fact the difference in view between the teacher’s unions ideas of school and private and homeschool’s ideas are the different between socialism and capitalism.

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