Tuesday, May 24, 2011

For the Love of Learning

By Jenny Sockey

I just finished this book last night. It is a good summary of both the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling and the Classical method. I have used both methods in my school and have seen the similarities myself (though I wasn’t at all successful with the CM method). Mrs. Sockey does a good job of summarizing how to mix the two methods together into a CM Classical education. She has a nice list of resources (takes up half the book!)

If using “Real Books” instead of textbooks sounds interesting to you, if you want to teach your children to love learning and do research for themselves, check this book out.

PS I would follow up this book with “The Well Trained Mind,” “Teaching the Trivium,” “A Charlotte Mason Companion” and “For the Children’s Sake” to give yourself a better understanding of both methods.

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