Saturday, November 09, 2013

It's Weird That Having Lots of Kids is Weird

It's Weird That Having Lots of Kids is Weird 

 Throughout history if the food supply was sufficient, the average woman birthed 7-8 children. This is normal and natural. In fact, a woman with only two children was often pitied since it was a well known fact that the more kids you had, the more comfortable your elderly years would be.

Then came birth control.

Now women with lots of kids are often pitied, even assumed to be abused by some evil man who insists she keeps having kids against her will.

I have news for the feminists; most women I have met would have loved to have more children. It was the man who insisted they stop. So much for "freedom and choice" for women.

And the truth is that you will still have a better retierment if you have lots of children. God's principles don't change with fashion.

People with too few children are left to the care of the government when they become weak. It is just too hard for the woman with two (or more due to divorce and remarriage) elderly parents, two or more elderly parent-in-Laws, her home to run, a full time career, and her own kids to raise to give proper care to everyone.

(Yeah, Yeah, I know; "Her husband should be helping too!" Seriously, add in another career and adding a husband to the mix doesn't do a lot to relieve the work. And God gifted women to care for the weak and sick. Yes men can do it too, but most aren't as good at it as most women. That is why most nurses, daycare workers, and home health aids are usually  women.)

When a couple have half a dozen kids they have more people to take care of them in retirement. The work is delightfully spread around. No body is over-burdened yet the parents recieve better care.

This is the way God designed it. He thought of everything in the beginning and designed it so everyone would be cared for.

And science is increasingly discovering that it is healthier for a woman to have lots of children to boot. (seems babies leave behind fetal stem cells that go to all parts of mom's body and heal what ever may be beginning to go wrong. The more babies a woman has, the more stem cells that are left behind, the healthier she is. Cool, huh?)

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