Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Big Oil

Question all; is it wrong for the big oil companies to make a profit and if it is not, how much? I am not defending them by any means. I think they are all greedy, money grabbers. But, really, should they be allowed to make a profit? Those calling for government controls will have to deal with this question. A percentage profit will be set. (One of my sources says they are only making 4% right now) And, by golly, they will get that profit from then on, either by the price at the pump or through tax subsidies. They won’t have any incentive to make things cheaper and more efficient either.

Here is what I have come to believe is really going on; Clinton and cronies made it impossible for domestic suppliers to pump enough to keep up with our demand. (They did this in other industries too, such as the lumber industry) Economics being what they are these days, the oil industry is global and subject to global forces. China and India are experiencing massive economic booms, drastically increasing their demands for oil. Simple laws of supply and demand say that when you have big demand and small supply, prices will be high. What are the oil companies to do? Buy oil at $130 per barrel and sell it to us at $60? We won’t HAVE oil companies in this country long if we demand that. Or more likely, we would pay massive tax increases to bail them out.

The first thing we need to do is let the oil companies start drilling and building new refineries. This will increase supply and naturally lower prices (the Dems are asking the Saudis to do just this so don’t be fooled when you hear them say this won’t help any. It will and they know it will. They just want an excuse to socialize the oil industry in this country.)

The second thing we need to do is build more nuke plants. Nukes are a lot safer than is commonly believed. And they will give us cheaper electricity. This is key as many “alternate vehicles” use electricity.

Third, we need to remove as many barriers as possible to the development of other alternate fuels.

What will end this oil problem once and for all (and maybe end the creeping muslim conquest) is to end the world wide oil monopoly on power. When you build a house you should have the choice between no power (yes that SHOULD be a choice!), electricity from the grid, electricity from your own generation (gas, diesel, hydrogen, salt water, solar, etc.), propane, or who knows what else. You should have the same options when buying a car. When we achieve this, we will see world wide fuel prices plummet. You thought the break up of Ma Bell was big!

Imagine having solar generators that come standard on your house efficient enough to supply your house AND your electric cars. You just come home and plug your car in. the only maintenance should be to wash the generators once in a while and change the batteries occasionally. In this scenario, the oil companies will have to give cars away to get you to want to buy their product. OPEC will go broke and not be a world power anymore.

Anyway, just some thoughts going through my head. As I said, I don’t defend big oil. But if we are going to beat them up, let’s at least do it for the evil they have actually done; not things they don’t have control over.

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