Friday, March 11, 2011

Sex links

Waiting for sex makes marriages stronger

Book research shared by Mark Driscoll; "Book research today - married people have more sex. In past month 7.1% of widowed, 51.9% of separated, 58.4% of never married, 70.4% of divorced, & 87.6% of married people had sex.

"Research today for the book says in the past month among married couples 87.2% Protestants, 89.6% Catholics, & 60% of Jews had sex

Sexualizing our Kids, No Thank You Hollywood? Great article except they leave out the most important option to control your child's sexual exposure; Remove all TV, especially broadcast TV from the home. It's a time-waster in the first place and in the second we adults don't need to be watching it any mroe than the kids do. My family watches only videos (some through livestream Netflex) and football. That is more than enough for any child or adult. And you know what? TV really isn't one of the essintial nutrients. We really won't die without it. In fact, since we would be forced to, gasp!, talk to each other, we would be far better off.

The men who believe porn is wrong- A good article discribing the results of porn use.

Sex- the uncommon gift

The results fo the sexual revolution. The end of courtship.

Detox from porn.

a tranquil heart: A more serious topic...

You know, God has very good reasons for all His rules. We may not understand them yet, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Jesus said, “If you even look at a woman and get aroused you have already committed adultery.” (paraphrase)

Adultery received the death penalty in the Old Testament.

Indeed, lusting after someone deserves hell by God’s account.

Here is an article that discusses the modern result of our porn addicted society (goodness sakes, you can’t drive down the road without seeing naked women everywhere!)

“Abstinence isn't the answer (to abortion)- and neither is birth control”

The Big O

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