Friday, March 25, 2011

Do You Realize That It's a Dog?

Shoved to Them: Do You Realize That It's a Dog? I understand lonely people having pets for company. For goodness sake, I have a cat, dog, four rabbits, 13 chickens, a dairy cow and a calf. And this is down from my high of three cats, one dog, fifteen rabbits, 16 chickens and a cow. But I understand that they are animals, NOT people. If I am going somewhere my dog would not be welcome, he stays home (and hunts quail and jack rabbits in our yard. He never catches them, but he has a great time). He's not my baby, though I call my self mom to him. That's because with eight children (and one on the way) it's simpler to just have one name per person. I am too distractable to remember to answer to more than that. Speaking of which...

The relief of being diagnosed with ADHD My little brother was labled when he was a child. Mom refused to use meds but did cut his sugar and used behaior modification. He's a high school teacher, worship leader, guitar teacher, single dad to three adopted boy today (my sil passed away two years ago.) He's blessed to have so much energy!

They never even considered testing me. I was the quiet little girl in the back of the room whispering the answers to the kid in front of me.

But as an adult I read the discription of the female manifstation of ADHD and was floored! You mean everyone doesn't forget everything if they don't write it down? People actually remember to go back into the kitchen and turn the oven off BEFORE the cake starts smoking? Really???

I just figured everyone was the way I am, except of course hubby who never forgets anything ("What do you mean 'how could I pick up low fat milk instead of whole?' They are right next to each other on the shelf. I am sure everyone does it all the time. Oh. You never have? Sigh.") I thought HE was the weird one.

I began to keep an organizer (I call it my memory chip. I especially like Blooms.) I set timers (and most of the time remember what for!) Other little things to keep my head going the right direction.

Anyway, these posts are from a new blog I found today really hit a note with me.

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