Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weird children

My children are so weird. I give them a day off for birthdays, so, since tomorrow is Jon's birthday and I have two sick and a couple feeling blahhh, I told them no school today. Several of them are doing school anyway. So weird.

So how do I acheive this? Are homeschooled children really that much more interested in learning?

Uhhh, no.

One advantage to switching to mostly Abeka is that I know for sure what will be done in each subject each year. So in January (the beginning of our school year) I hand each child their books and say "When you finish these you are done for the year." Last year was the first year we were really able to do this. Jon buckled in and had everything but math and grammar (and things like penmanship that have to be done ONLY one page per day) done by August. The others were mostly done by October.

They don't want the day off school today so they can be that much closer to having it over with for the year.

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