Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Writing space

A fellow blogger has asked to see everyone else's writing space. I'm afraid mine isn't really exciting.
That's my dad sitting in my chair where I do my writing. The laptop on the stool is what I write on. The drawers next to the chair hold my teacher's books for homeschool. The book shelf holds various story books (from Star Trek to Elsie Dinsmore to Narnia.)

Since this is the day Joshua was born, the house was a bit of a mess so I won't show you my view from my chair. It has nothing to do with writing anyway.

I have tried more formal arrangements for both writing and school but neither one gets done anywhere else. This works for me.

1 comment:

  1. Formal is fine, but the best thing is the thing that works!

    Congratulations on Joshua.


Thank you so much for commenting! I love to talk to my readers.

I do ask that there be no anonymous commenters, though. If I am brave enough to put my name on this blog, you should be too:-)

Please keep it civil. Remember we are all human and make mistakes, and that since we can't see each other's faces or hear each other's tone of voice, it is very hard to get the emotion in what we are saying each other. Use lots of emoticons! :-) And show grace and love to each other.