Saturday, August 31, 2013

Decisions, decisions

For some time now I have been toying with the idea of splitting up this blog; putting my political rants in one blog, Bible studies in a second, etc. I am finding myself posting stuff on facebook that would be more appropriate for a blog devoted to each subject. So, when we get back from our upcoming camping trip, I think I will do that. I will have:
  1. A Bible blog. I will begin with discussions of the evidence for a young earth, plus maybe some of my work on my commentary on Revelation. (beginning to end in one fell swoop:-)
  2. A political/culture blog. Just cause I need to vent somewhere.
  3. I already have a blog devoted to herbs. I'll increase my posting there to correspond with my daily studies.
  4. A health blog where I post what I learn in general health news. Actually I already have one; I just don't post there.
  5. A Mommy blog for everything else. The question is, should this last one be split even further?
    1. Childbirth
    2. Homeschool
    3. General life/ journaling.
I would post on each of these a lot of what I am currently posting at FB.

Should I keep this blog as my mommy blog/journal? Or just start everything new? Hmmm.

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Thank you so much for commenting! I love to talk to my readers.

I do ask that there be no anonymous commenters, though. If I am brave enough to put my name on this blog, you should be too:-)

Please keep it civil. Remember we are all human and make mistakes, and that since we can't see each other's faces or hear each other's tone of voice, it is very hard to get the emotion in what we are saying each other. Use lots of emoticons! :-) And show grace and love to each other.