Monday, December 06, 2010

Assembly Lines or Customizing

Assembly lines and time management were invented at the beginning of the 1900's. Before this time everything was made individually. Everything was custome made. Now this was very time consuming, but allowed for personalization.

In many ways, this was a good societal move. However our culture decided that if assembly lines were good for cars they must be good for education, too. Thus the invention of public schools. This gave complete control to the government over what was taught to who, standardized the content and presentation of information, and "freed" women to join the workforce.

We also decided that if time management is good for factories, than it is good for childbirth.

In fact, we came to believe that every area of our lives could be improved by the factory method.

In so doing we have lost all that is individual.

Honestly, education in this country would skyrocket if every parent sought for the best education for their child. If they would sacrafice to provide what was necessary for that individual child to succeed. This would be the diference between custom home and a mobile home.

Birth is best left to the individual body to decide. On size does NOT fit all. Just becasue, for example, more large ladies need c-sections doesn't mean that all large ladies shoucl have c-section.

Just because some parents won't provide for their children doesn't mean that all parents should be subjected to social services visits.

Just because some men are batterers doesn't mean all men should have their hands tied behind their backs.

Let's begin to treat each other as unique master pieces of God, the Master Artist, instead of like Fords.

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