Tuesday, October 08, 2013

.5% of people who try to lose weight loose it and keep it off for five years or more.

Half a percent.Jess This includes those who have weight loss surgery, join a gym, etc.

Do you know what this means?

It's not your fault. You are not weak. You are not lazy. You haven't failed.

You've been lied to.

For all practical purposes, it is impossible to loose weight.

So does this mean that a fat person is doomed to an early death?

Not at all. If you remove all the studies paid for by people who make money from weight loss (drugs, diets, gyms, diet foods, etc) the evidence associating obesity and illness practically goes away. And if you control the remaining studies for the affects of poverty, the rest of the ill-health of being fat disappears. In fact, there are a few illnesses the being fat protects you from (i.e. Tuberculosis). There is absolutly NO evidense that loosing weight improves anyone's health. None. We know for a fact, however, that dieting will kill you.

So where does this leave us?

We need to be healthy. Starving ourselves is not healthy. Limiting our foods to just a few food groups is not healthy. Thinking like an anorexic is not healthy. You know what? Denying ourselves desert is not mentally healthy!

So what does the human body need?

  1. Exercise. Not "go out and exhaust yourself once a month" exercise, but a general "be active." find something fun to do where you move your body (dance class, softball team, buy a horse, plant a garden, etc) and do that. If you get discouraged because you exercised and stepped on the scale and it hadn't moved, you are exercising for the wrong reasons.

In fact, throw you scales away! I MEAN IT!

Move because it makes you feel good.

What do you eat?

Whatever you want. Just honor your body by quitting when you are physically AND mentally satisfied. Eat slowly and enjoy your food like God meant you to when He designed your taste-buds. Seriously, trust your God-given instincts. Trust that He designed your body to be healthy. Good article on stereotyping foods: Here

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