Thursday, February 17, 2011

Birth Control- Pill Links

The sterile life's results

Yes! Exactly!
Blessings, But…

" If this were the cigarette industry the outrage would be resounding. The contraceptive mentality is so profound in the medical field that it seems that the health of a woman is unimportant so long as [we keep her from having babies]."

EVERY woman should read this! Where are those people who say they campaign for women?!?!?
Surgeon: birth control pill a ‘molotov cocktail’ for breast cancer

We Don’t Love Children, We Love Drywall

What about birth control? Why do people who say they believe the Bible and live for God have the same view of birth control and the same number of children as Atheists? Should it be that way?

The Pill: Making Motherhood “Better”?

A Hard Pill to Swallow: The journey from Pill user to NFP

Lately I've been doing a lot of reading about the ethics of birth control, family size, what the Bible has to say about children, and what the various positions on this are of people from different denominational and experiential backgrounds. This whole issue of Christians, birth control, and having a marriage that's open to children is being examined by people all over the Internet. Some of the more noteworthy articles:”

Sex then and Now, Before the Pill and After.

Church decline of another kind Faith and Leadership

Yep, this says it all right.
How 'the pill' led to societal infantilism

Love this article by Generation Cedar. It really puts our birth control mentality into perspective and can just as easily be applied to hospital births, public schools, government healthcare, and not serving God (all unnatural).

Have you ever noticed that those who are the angriest about my having children because of what it does to the environment are those who are livingthe highest standard of living? I just might give an enviro-theist the time of day if they were living totaly without electricity, gas, plastic, etc. When they can live that way, we'll discuss babies.

The fact is that all this "limit babies" talk is about letting them live high on the hog.

Good article

Telling the Truth About Birth Control
What they are not telling you when they give you a pill, patch or shot may kill you.

Its all about the money

Are we dying to have small families?

Children….Blessings but….

If you take The Pill, you are at increased risk of cancer, especially breast cancer.

It physically causes a fertilized egg to not implant. A baby dies for lack of nourishment.

“Abstinence isn't the answer (to abortion)- and neither is birth control”

“Some Subtle Effects of the Birth Control Culture.” You might be surprised how much affect the pill has had.

“Is Birth Control the Church's Business?” How could the creation of eternal souls NOT be the church’s business?

That’s what I am saying…
“I've always found it interesting that women who do not generally practice birth control are the ones put in a class; "those people"..."those QF (quiverful) people". I find that odd. Women whose bodies are doing what they were created to do have to explain why they aren't taking a synthetic drug that alters its normal function? Does this not seem odd?...

Imagine a person walking up to you at the store and saying, "Oh my goodness! You're having s*x with your husband just for pleasure? You are purposely preventing conception? Only two children? Do you not want any more?"

How offensive! But... can I say this gently...that is more accurate than what so many who know the sting of being questioned about a larger than normal family is….

For centuries, couples have been pretty much having children every few years. Yeah people avoided certain times of the month, I'm sure, but the whole concept of just using birth control to stop after a child or two has been completely FOREIGN to the world until around the 1960's. So why is that group now the normal group, and the other group is "cultish" and weird?”

For the rest of the article…

Having said this, I don’t mind questions such as “are they all yours.” I find most people really want to tell me about their families. Now “Are you going to have more?” depends on who is asking. I have had that question from those who really wanted to know, maybe considering the issue in their own lives. I don’t mind them at all. Those with a condemning tone of voice though…

Another post on birth control.

This article makes the observation that most birth control methods are made for the woman’s use and have mild to fatal complications (the pill causes breast cancer and heart disease. Abortion causes both also. IUD can cause the above plus uterine abruption). None of the men’s birth control methods have side effects. This is equality???? Doesn’t this just allow men to use women for their own entertainment?

In no other area do healthy women have surgeries and take pills. Children are evidently a disease. What ever happened to children being the blessing God says they are?

What is the purpose of birth control (including abortion)? For 99.99% of the time the purpose is to allow women to screw around without consequences and men to use any one they want without leaving troublesome “evidence” (the kind that needs its diaper changed occasionally).

I think sex (which was God’s idea by the way) is too wonderful and beautiful and (ok, I’ll say it) fun to degrade it this way. It is not just cheap entertainment. It is a symbol of God’s relationship with the church; of how close He wants to be to His bride. And just like that spiritual relationship, sex should be open to fruitfulness. It should be reserved for just the one special person God has given you. Sex is God’s wedding gift to you. Enjoy it!

More and more Christians are reconsidering the whole birth control attitude of our country. Here is one discussion.

A set of links about Birth control from LAF
Appetites for big houses growing while families are shrinking.

Basically what this boils down to is your definition of abortion. Most doctors are taught that an abortion is a procedure done AFTER the embryo implants in the uterus. Thus, anything that causes the embryo to not implant is not an Abortifacient. Most conservative Christians believe that life begins at conception (three to ten days before implantation) and so anything that prevents implantation IS an Abortifacient.

The pill prevents ovulation 65% of the time. This means that no egg is ripened and released so no baby is possible.

30% of the time the pill makes the woman’s body hostile to sperm so none live long enough to fertilize the egg that is released. Again, no baby.

1% of the time an egg is fertilized and implants causing a pregnancy.

This leaves 4% unaccounted for. Read the package insert in pills. 4% of the time they make the uterus inhospitable to a fertilized embryo (Baby). The new life can’t implant and “passes into the hands of the Lord” to borrow the way an e-friend words it.

All hormonal controls function in the same way, just with different numbers.

Don’t take my words for it. Read this article. Pray. Research. This is too important of an issue to leave in the hands of others.

(Just to be completely truthful, I used the pill myself for four years. I was taught in sex ed that the pill simply keeps you from ovulating so there was no moral question about it. I quit after four years because I knew there was a link between blood clots and the pill if you use it longer.

Since then I have not only learned of the abortion/pill link, but as posted earlier, the breast cancer/pill and heart disease/pill links.

I have also come to question our society’s whole attitude towards children and birth control (I am not saying all birth control is wrong, but that is another post:-) to quote another e-friend;

“The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing yet we apply for the curse and take drugs and have surgeries to prevent the blessings.”

“A new study from the Mayo Clinic has concluded that there is ‘a measurable and statistically significant’ connection between the pill and pre-menopausal breast cancer,”

Makes since. If God wanted us to have extra hormones in our system, He would have put them their.

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12 and Proverbs 16:25

I am more and more convinced that the more we get away from how God originally made things the worse things become. This is just one example. We invented a little pill you can take so you can still have sex and not “risk” the curse of children. The result- you have a greater chance of breast cancer.

The sad thing is that God has provided a way to control the spacing of pregnancy without chemicals and devices and surgeries. It is based on the idea that you can’t get pregnant if you are not fertile and women are only fertile three to ten days per month. (My article)

But this requires self control, communication and doesn’t bring any money into anyone’s pocket like pills and procedures do. So no one talks about it. The sad thing is, they aren’t talking about this newly discovered breast cancer risk either.

An article about chemical pollution and the pill. Interesting.

So, sexless fish.

See also "Quiverfull"

How “The Pill” Can Harm Your Future Child’s Health — The Healthy Home Economist

Eleven Theses on Birth Control Doug Wilson

This is for my files. Interesting thoughts.

Poisoned by the Pill: Truths about Chemical Contraception Catholic Exchange

What about birth control? Why do people who say they believe the Bible and live for God have the same view of birth control and the same number of children as Atheists? Should it be that way?

How does the pill really work?

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