Thursday, February 17, 2011

When the World Isn't Safe for Women

To Love, Honor and Vacuum: When the World Isn't Safe for Women

Should we really be tollerant of such a religion? Would it be the Christian thing to do?

I'm not saying we should round up all the Muslims and execute them. That certainly isn't Christ like. But we can and should pass laws specificly aimed at preventing this religion from conquering our culture. And quickly. With the Muslim's belief that children are a good thing (to the tune of 7 per family) and the western idea that they are a disease to be avoided at all costs (to the tune of about 1.5 per family), our grandchildren are very much in danger of being forced into Shira Law (just do the math.)

Of course, what the media doesnt' tell us is the "war" that is being won by Christians in Muslim countries. A big part of why they suddenly seem so agitated over there is that there is a mass revival of true Christianity sweeping the region. This isn't politically correct so don't expect to see it mentioned on the evening news any time soon. But it is happening just the same. This is truely the only way we will defeat Islam and free these women from this horrid bondage;

through the love of Christ.

The End of Multiculturism?

I have been giving a lot of thought to the differences between the left and right in America. I have come to the conclusion it is all based in religion.

Those on the Left don't really believe in God. Even if they say they do, they think of Him as some benign love cloud floating around saying "Can't we just all get along?" This leaves the highest power in the universe to be humans, and the most powerful humans are those in the US government. Thus when you see a problem, you look to the greatest power to solve it.

A Leftist sees, say, a poor black family. This disturbs them so they look to their "god," the government, for an answer. The government's official postition at least since FDR is that poverty is caused by oppresion. So, the Leftist thinks, "This family is poor becasue my ancestors oppresed them." The answer of course, is to campaign to get rid of the oppresion. Between the guilt and the frustration at not being able to change the rules of nature and economics, it is no wonder that  that Liberals are less happy.

A Righty believes in God Almighty (the majority of the time.) He is the ultimate power in the universe and we humans are pretty weak when it comes right down to it.

When Righty sees that poor black family, he looks to his God for the answers to this problem. He sees that family violating the commands of God causing them to make bad decisions, such as the man being an ex gang-banger and in jail more than out while the woman is a druggie. This is in no way Righty's fault. He has no guilt. However, his God tells him to take a bag of groceries to that family, take the man under his wing and teach him how to get and keep a job, take the woman wherever she needs to go to get help for her adiction, babysitting when needed, and above all introducing them to the unltimate answer in life, Jesus. Righty has the satisfaction of seeing his efforts pay off and God work a miricle in lives.This isn't happiness through rationalizing away "social injustices," but happiness through obedience to nature's laws written by nature's God. It is finding different reasons for poverty and enacting different solutions, ones that have actually proven to be sucessful.

Liberals are also afrraid of death. Who wouldn't be if there is no heaven and hell? Conservatives tend to believe in an afterlife and its accompaning ultimate justice.

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