Monday, February 28, 2011

Culture Links

Pensioner's Dilemma
Imagine if you had actually been paid the entire amount you had earned your entire working life instead of the government forcing us to contribute to their ideas of retirement, healthcare, etc. If you had control, you could invest in a retirement that suits your needs and desires. You could invest in healthcare that suits your families needs. Instead, the government makes all these decisions for you. this is, of course, the same government that came up with such ideas as cash-for-clunkers.

Why We Bleed from Greed

Liberalism and the Fear of Death Amen.

Self-Inflicted Poverty by Walter E. Williams on - A Syndicate Of Talent "We need to persuade our fellow man around the globe that liberty is a necessary ingredient for prosperity." Fellow man around the globe nothing. I'd be happy to convince our own leaders!

De-Fund the Predators of Planned Parenthood - Michelle Malkin 

Unfortunately, even if a de-funding passes congress, I see no way on earth Obama would sign it. He would be too afraid of losing the NOW vote in 2012.


There is a mistaken idea that America is great because she is a democracy. This is absolutely not true. America is great because she was founded on the rule of law. No one was exempted from following the Constitution. That is why the birther issue is important. "As a nation, we should never again live in doubt as to whether the occupant of the White House is legitimate or not." 

15 Quotes From Conservatives On The Global Warming Hoax - John Hawkins 

» Ohio Mother is Modern Day Rosa Parks - Big Government All I can say, is let's go!

Conservatives are generous with their own hard earned money and their time.
Liberals are generous with your hard earned money.
Who's the most caring?
Conservatives More Liberal Givers

What Liberals Don't Know About Guns, Chapter 217 - Ann Coulter 
Ok, I don't generally post Ann Coulter's work. She's, uhhh, a bit, uhhh, rude. However this time she tells of several public shootings and the big difference between them, why some resulted in five or more dead and why some were limited to one or two dead.

The reason? In the lower death cases, someone was around with a concealed gun and pulled it on the murderer stopping the carnage.

Of course, those in favor of gun control (elimination) would say that if we got rid of all the guns in the country we wouldn't have any shootings. I have three problems with this:

1) Guns are so entrenched there is no way to get rid of them. Only law abiding citizens would turn them in leaving them to be victims of the criminals.

2) Guns are not the only deadly weapon out there. What's next? Knife control? Bat registration? Ice pick confiscation? If someone wants to kill, they will find a way. Again, getting rid of guns puts the weaker at a disadvantage.

3) and most importantly, the real reason for gun control is political. In a system of checks and balances, an armed citizenship is the final check. The government will not come forcibly remove me from my home because they don't know if I and my neighbors have guns to fight back with. An armed citizenship is the last guarantee of freedom. The first thing EVERY tyrant does is take away the guns. THIS is why our founding fathers wrote the second amendment; to protect us from the government itself.

Now the nice side affect of gun ownership is that in places where guns are allowed the crime rate is significantly lower. Criminals may be evil but they aren't stupid! You simply don't attack people who can shoot back.

I lived in California for more than thirty years. Ca has gun control and registration laws. We locked everything up and tied it down. I even had my morning newspaper stolen regularly!

I have lived in Northern Nevada now for a decade (no where near Vegas). We don't bother locking anything up. UPS regularly leaves stuff at our gate when we aren't home and, gasp! its still there when we arrive home. In Nevada, you do not have to register your guns. You can even carry them openly if you want to. If you want to conceal one you have to take a class in gun safety.

When we go visit down south, we can feel the fear settle over us. It's in the air.

That fear simply doesn't exist here.

We know we can take care of ourselves.

Controversial Chicken: Chick-fil-A’s Gay Rights Rumble 
Time to go eat a chicken sandwich!
(except I would have to drive about 1000 to get to the nearest outlet.)

Oh, yes, PP takes care of women....
About as much as Henry the VIII cared for his wives.
Lila Rose President - About - Live Action

China's Insight into Human Nature and why America is no longer the best.

Mallard Fillmore
I like this strip.

Differences between small and large families... .

Government Isn't the Parent

Are men victims of obnoxious feminism? Be sure to read the comments to get the full story on a couple of the issues.

Keep in mind this IS a partisan bog this link is from. His comparisons are phrased in a biased manner. However, I have found everything he says true, especially the fact that conservatives are happier.
7 Non-Political Differences Between Liberals and Conservatives

Demography and Destiny
Yep, just run the math. I win:-)

The downfall of science and the rise of intellectual tyranny

Federal disability program induces child drugging in low-income families.

Playing the Violence Card

Independence is obnoxious

"Legalize Marijuana, or at least quit sending people to prison for it."- Pat Robertson.
I actually agree. What right does the government have declaring one substance legal (alcohol) and another equal substance illegal (marijuana)? They both have their medicinal purposes and their great dangers. In fact, MaryJ makes a good pain killer, equal to expensive pharmaceuticals but with fewer side affects. Why can't we choose for ourselves which medicines to use? (I am not advocating the recreational use of either marijuana or alcohol any more than I advocate using Big Pharm Pain Killers for recreation. But the government powerful enough to tell us what to put in our bodies and not is powerful enough to execute someone for their religious beliefs.)

We're in trouble big time

What has happened to radio in the last 30 years- Dr Laura

Sex on Tv is ok but Happy Meals Aren't?

Any question that we are no longer free?

The More We Have the More Ungrateful We Are??

Face to Face

Warning: Textbooks with Pro-Islam Bias

Law School Student Wants His Tuition Back

The men who believe porn is wrong- A good article describing the results of porn use.

The midterm elections and the Communist Manifesto

Dr Laura explains her future

Are you offended or do you just disagree?

$150?! For ONE pair of jeans?!?! For a child who will probably outgrow them in six months?!?!?! Goodness, I could buy enough jeans to get all ten of us through the next six months (when you count hand me downs) and throw in a couple of t-shirts for that!

Excellent explanation for why we should be modest

And other goings on at the largest lobby group in America

Now they are out to take your blog and here

Warning for Today's America: Life under Hitler

 The GOP's Lost Brand

Be careful who you pick on! nursing in public: Americans need to get over their embarrassment

Through Christ.
I listened to a sermon this morning where the preacher was encouraging people to go out and achieve their dreams. I am already living mine. Because I am so great I have already achieved my goals at only age 42? NO. Because Jesus helped me set my goals and form my dreams and then He orchestrated their materialization. I have other dreams for the future, when this time of intense mothering is over and He will help me achieve those dreams to. Not because of who I am but because of who He is.

Right V. Rectitude: The Wisdom of a Ground Zero Mosque

A kiss is just a kiss. A sigh is just a sigh...
A kiss is a very private thing. Should it be saved for privacy?
The Dating Game

Science in the Profit Interest : Herb News

P-word sees kiddie bras vanish from shelves

Honestly, do you want to be governed by people who believe there is no right and wrong? Do you want to live next door to them?
Whoopi Golberg's moral statement.

The Audacity of Unawareness

Liberals are asking conservative lawmakers to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh. But in his Stoplight® commentary, Stuart Shepard explains it's really not about the popular talk-show host — it's about ideas.

Gay gene- newest findings

Are you an extremist?

13 secrets the food industry doesn’t want you to know

the tolerance of the anti-child left
A letter from a stay at home DAD. Why is a stay at home father some wonderful angel but a stay at home mom is stupid?

How stupid do they think we are? VERY

How [our adoption really was]

You mean life is not all about me?

5 Reasons Why Christians Should Not Obtain a State Marriage License
I don’t agree with everything here, but it IS thought provoking.

There is no such thing as an interracial marriage. Beautiful!

Confronting the enemy-materialism

Is it ok to kiss before marriage?

Are you richer than Rockefeller? Bet you ARE!

Is Illegal Immigration Moral?

Why Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals

When one becomes a liberal, he or she pretends to advocate tolerance, equality and peace, but hilariously, they're doing so for purely selfish reasons. It's the human equivalent of a puppy dog's face: an evolutionary tool designed to enhance survival, reproductive value and status. In short, liberalism is based on one central desire: to look cool in front of others in order to get love. Preaching tolerance makes you look cooler, than saying something like, “please lower my taxes” -- Greg Gutfeld

In their haste to be wiser and nobler than others, the anointed have misconceived two basic issues. They seem to assume (1) that they have more knowledge than the average member of the benighted and (2) that this is the relevant comparison. The real comparison, however, is not between the knowledge possessed by the average member of the educated elite versus the average member of the general public, but rather the total direct knowledge brought to bear though social processes (the competition of the marketplace, social sorting, etc.), involving millions of people, versus the secondhand knowledge of generalities possessed by a smaller elite group. -- Thomas Sowell

Fox News Makes You Stupid?

Just trust us...
The same people that run the public schools and post office and who came up with "cash for clunkers."

I don't usually pay attention to the whole union issue. My dad is a union man. My hubby is iffy at best. So, ehh.

However, I know that the teachers union has become so much bigger than nearly any business. Why is this supposed to be good? Of course, it isn't. The union is why education is in the condition it's in.
Why I Changed My Mind About Unions

the tolerance of the anti-child left

Just trade "jewish" for "christian" and this is true in America.

A racist cake sale

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