Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Recommendations for herbal learning.

The first place I really began to learn was from Shonda Parker's "Naturally Healthy..." books. Oh, I had read a few books before, but hers seemed to pull it all together for me. I did begin to use some of her recommendations. I also took the first level of her course.

My next (and probably most extensive) source was Bulk Herb Store (see affiliate link in the side bar. The link is new but I've dealt with BHS for years. Actually, I bought Shoshanna's Dad's book "To Train Up a Child" when my oldest was 4 (now 22) so, in a way, I've "watched" Soshanna grow up. Her catalog is an herb course in itself and her website ever more so. I buy a couple of the books they carry every year also (ABC herbal for children, The How to Herb Book...)

My new favorite is "Be Your Own Doctor" by Rachael Weaver. She uses more the herbs I do and the treatments I use.

I am currently working on pushing my herbal products a bit harder:
  • Brown (skin) salve for cut, scrapes, burns, infections, rashes, etc
  • Black (pulling) salve for punctures, bites, infections, stings, etc
  • an ointment for sore muscles and muscle/ligament injuries (still under development)
  • Body Powder (men and women versions)
  • Face scrub
  • Lip balm
  • Laundry soap
and I don't know what all. 

Dear Doctor: A Letter to My Child's First Pediatrician

Dear Doctor: A Letter to My Child's First Pediatrician

I have written about vaccinations before here. None of our reasons included Autism.

But, you know, SOMETHING is very wrong. SOMETHING has caused the rate of Autism to go from 1 out of 40,000 kids in the 1940's to 1 out of 85 today.

And NO, better reporting could NEVER cause this kind of increase.

Something is very wrong.

Something is poisoning our kids and the number one suspect is the cocktail of poisons they inject into kids at the doctor's office. Too many parents tell of their kids being normal until their 18 month shots.

It's time to quit worshiping doctors. It's time to demand the medical community tell us the truth.

Because they obviously aren't.

3 Common Traits of Youth Who Don’t Leave the Church – FaithIt.com

3 Common Traits of Youth Who Don’t Leave the Church – FaithIt.com

I've said these numbers before, but I'll say them again:

65-85 % of children raised in Christian homes backslide by their first year of college.

96 % of children who graduate from homeschool stay in the same religion as their parents.

If you take away sunday school and youth group, that number goes up to very nearly 100%

The things this article says to do to keep you kids in church are immensely easier to do in homeschool and in a church without a youth group or Sunday School.

If you want your kids to go to heaven, you have to raise them God's way. Yes, some kids can go to public school and still stay in church, but it is increasingly rare. Public school is just not the way to "bring them up in the culture and education of the Lord." Ephesians 6.

Raise your kids like the world does and you will have worldy kids.

Raise them like God says and you will have Goly kids.

It's that simple

‘Shocking Bigotry’: Outrage Follows City Council’s Decision to Ban Event Because of Chick-Fil-A | TheBlaze.com

‘Shocking Bigotry’: Outrage Follows City Council’s Decision to Ban Event Because of Chick-Fil-A | TheBlaze.com

"as owners of the facility any events
that are associated with organizations of people that promote or have a
history of divisiveness, homophobia or other expressions of hate in a
such advised VICC to not permit the upcoming Leadercast event to occur
in the city-owned facility that is scheduled for Saturday May the 9th.”" says the town council as it forbids the event because of chick-fil-a's sponsorship. 

You mean "divisiveness" like condemning a business owner because of the propaganda put out about him without going to him and getting his side? 

You mean "hate" like declaring that anyone who disagrees with you has no right to use taxpayer funded facilities?

 This is the tolerence of the "tolernt."

This is scary, people.


Help, I’m a Guy! Homebirth from a Man’s Point of View - by Ken Magri

Help, I’m a Guy! Homebirth from a Man’s Point of View - by Ken Magri

Monday, July 28, 2014

Find out Why You Should Be Eating Fat! Healthy Fat is good for you!

Find out Why You Should Be Eating Fat! Healthy Fat is good for you!

46 Life-Changing Baking Hacks Everyone Needs To Know

46 Life-Changing Baking Hacks Everyone Needs To Know

We do a lot of baking around here. Making things from scratch is cheaper, healthier and generally tastes better to boot. The only thing sratch cooking isn't is easier and faster.

Some good ideas above.

Vacation time is coming up soon. Generally we just buy a bunch of per-prepared foods, but with the price of gasoline, well, we arent even sure we get to do vacation this year. So anywhere I can cut, I need to.

And truthfully, it has always bothered me the far less heathy food. I just figured it was only one week a year and that won't make a lot of difference in the long run. And though that's true, it does make a difference in the short run. During and just after vacation we suffer from more constipation, unexplained crankies, lethargy, etc. So I think over all it will be worth learning to cook while camping.

Hubby, as he ages, isn't as concerned with making good time, or covering a lot of territory anymore. Our trips have become much more relaxed. (Our "normal" is something like

  1. Get up at 5 the first morning.
  2. Be on the road by 6
  3. drive for 9 hours
  4. set up camp as quickly as possible
  5. take a walk, go to a fair, of what ever the local attraction is we are there to see.
  6. Come back to camp and whip up enough whatever to fill tummies.
  7. sleep as soon as it's dark enough to be possible.
  8. wake up and leave as soon as its light in the morning, eating a quick breakfast [cold cereal] somewhere down the road. 
  9. Repeat from number 3)
Not doing this will leave a great deal more time for cooking as long as I don't pick things that take hours.

Though I have (and have read) a dutch oven cookbook I just didn't really feel comfortable trying it. But this weekend at a local event we met a woman cooking lasagna...in a dutch oven...with nothing but hot coals. Desert, too!

This inspired me to ask a lot of question and come home and give it a try. I made a meatloaf in one dutch oven while baking potatoes in a second one on top for supper (I own 3, including my grandma's which is the work horse of my cookware). The meatloaf was not only cooked to perfection, it cooked FASTER  than in my 450 degree oven! (I can't cook any hotter than that in my oven. It starts smoking if I do. Always has. Even when brand new.)

And all that heat was OUTSIDE-  40 feet from the house!

My husband is threatening to throw the oven away and put a cupboard in instead :-D

Since winter will come back eventually I don't think that's a good idea, lol.

But the thought of not heating up the house again until it freezes is tempting.

Tonight (if it doesn't rain) I think I will try frying chicken in my 15" cast iron skillet, set on coals, covered with a pizza pan (the only "lid" that I have that fits this skillet!). I'll put my daughter's rolls (Heavenly!) in a dutch oven on top of that (with coals between), and put an iron pot of beans and ham on that (with a couple of coals on top). Should be interesting:-)

I have discovered the only way to truly keep my house as clean as I like is to clean it myself. Takes about 2 hours for me to do this, calling each child to help as I hit their zone or (part of the) bedroom. It's a lot of work, but I am hoping it gets better as I get things back under control from being at my parents so much lately (dad had back surgery, mom had heavy duty chem, my brother came to visit from southern California). Hopefully the kids get the idea and begin keeping it cleaner and we all get faster.

You Have Too Many Children to Give Them What They Need |

You Have Too Many Children to Give Them What They Need |:

"that means parents and children are spending an average of (studies indicate) 36 minutes during a weekday together, and 7 out of 10 admit that time is mostly spent watching t.v."

This frustrates me so much when I talk to christian parents. They tell me how wonderful my kids are and they want their kids to be like mine, but they cant/wont take them out of godless schools, turn off hedonistic TV's, sit and talk to (LISTEN TO) their children.

I have news for you: my kids are perfectly normal. Other people who have made the same lifestyle choices we have have the same results with their children.

You can't raise your kids like the the world and expect anything other than worldly kids!


"My Body, My Choice" for Abortion, But Not for Those Who Want a Large Family | LifeNews.com

"My Body, My Choice" for Abortion, But Not for Those Who Want a Large Family 

" the “it’s my body, my choice” slogan only seems to apply when a woman wants an abortion. When a woman chooses to have more children than average, in the eyes of those who made these hateful comments, she becomes a “repulsive freak” and should stop bearing children."

Obvious double standard. Our society is only tolerant of choices that are popular.

Here's a news flash:

Our bodies are designed to have babies. It is natural and healthy. Many women, if allowed to make their own decisions (instead of being pressured by society and by a husband who wants to buy man toys and retire early), want as many as God will grant them.

It is UNnatural to take cancerous medicines and have violent surgeries to keep from having babies...pretty much by definition of the word "unnatural." 

If we are going to say a woman has a right to limit the size of her family, we must say she has the right to set that "limit" as high as she wishes.

Anything else is hypocrisy and paving the path for slavery.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Common Core or Common Sense (with apologies to Thomas Payne) | Indoctrination

Common Core or Common Sense (with apologies to Thomas Payne) | Indoctrination

Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered

Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered

Yes, yes,  know. Secular scientist have come up with an excuse for soft tissue dinosaur discoveries. But...

Several hundred years ago all scientists help Aristotle and the be all and end all of scientific thought. To the point that challenging hm was the same thing as challenging the Bible (and thus subject to church censor).

 Aristotle said that the earth was obviously the center of the universe and all the planet rotated around it. Observation tole the scientists that there was something wrong though. The planents weren't where they belogned; they kept going backwards and then forwards agin.

So the scientific community came up with the idea that the planets ran circles while they orbited the earth (like putting a stick in the middle of a spring, they said the planets did loopy loops as they orbited). This worked for a while, but then the planets were in the wrong place again. So the scientists added a circle within the circle. In fact, after a few hundred years of observation, they had 7 circles inside of each other as each planet orbited the earth.

Then a couple of brave scientists reworked the entire theory. Thye put the sun at the center of the solar system and Viola! all the planents fell into perfect line. Their movements were now seen as elagantly simply.

Today, most scientsits don't believe in God and try with all their might and main to put man at the center of the universe. So they invent these complicated scenerios where, for example, fresh tissue can survive for millions of years (when simple science says it can't survive more than a few thousand) without being frozen or fossilized.

The Young Earth Creationist puts the Son and His plain-spoken Word at the center of the universe. This makes it quite simple: dinosaurs are found with fresh tissue simply because they only died a few thousand years ago (most likely in Noah's Flood). Simple and Elegant.

But of course Evolutionist (and sorry to say old earth Christians) simply can't tolerate anyone not believing their religion. They can't stand being challenged. It is much easier to berate someone with a different idea than it is to listen to them and consider that you might be wrong.

Book Sale!

"You want it, you got it! Everyone loves a good hammock and we're extending our Hammock Day sale four more days!

Save 20% on all Standard and Premium print books through July 28 with code HAMMOCK14

Happy shopping!"


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Don't be yoked

The public school's philosophies are:

Prentis in loci (in place of parents)

It takes a Village

Education OUR job (though the emphasis may be mine:-)

We partner with you to raise your kids.

What the Bible says:

Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lilla Rose case and tote

I am what is called a "casual consultant" for LillaRose. In other words, I am not doing shows or parties (except the occasional catalog party). I joined so I could get the consultant discount when buying for my five daughters with long blonde hair.

But my mom and I are so excited about these hair accessories (finally able to do up my girl's hair with pretty things that won't break or [usually] fall out!) that we tell everyone we meet about them. I quickly began to carry samples (the ones we personally use but that aren't in anyone's hair at the moment) to show off, plus catalogs and business cards.

But it just doesn't present the product well to pull out a handful of jumbled metal and drop them on the table. Presented this way, saying they are $15 (+ or -) makes them sound expensive. Plus, my catalogs were getting messed up in the bottom of my business tote.

So I took the piece of cloth (velvet) that some neklaces my mom bought came in and replaced the necklaces with the flexi's, bobbies and flexi-O I own.
This cloth is the same on both sides. The edges are just surged, and the straps are the same cloth just sewn on in strips.
This all rolled up in a neat, small bundle .When unrolled, it presented the flexis like they were expensive so that $15-ish sounds more like a real bargain.
 But I ran into problems. Not only did this not solve the problem with the paper products, the clips fell out...often. Not only is this not secure, it reverts to them being presented as a jumble of random metal.

The solution:
I added a ribbon folded over to tie each flexi-8 in to the "case," plus a ribbon for the headband and badge clip I will eventually buy for display.
 Then I added bias tape around the edge (which was already fraying a bit from use.)

I laid out my pretty rosey cloth and laid a catalog and order form on it, then laid the velvet with the flexis on top of that to see where to cut.

 I sewed the velvet and the rosey cloth together up the middle, then added bias tape to the rosey cloth.

Next, sew the top and bottom of both cloths together to form the side pockets.

Add the zipper (22", the biggest the cloth store had).

Case done.
It easily holds three catalogs, some Lilla Looks, and business cards in one side pocket and a handful of order forms, hostess information sheets, product information sheets and an ink pen (purple:-) ) in the other one.

But, at my mom's insistence, I had bought a full yard of material, so...

I took my favorite tote (the one I stuff everything in that I need to take to run errands that won't fit in my purse) and laid it on the left-over rosey cloth (this cloth has the striped rose pattern on the outside of the case on one side and the random rose pattern on the outside of the tote on the other. It's per-quiltted at the factory.) I cut the cloth a bit bigger to allow for seam allowance, and left enough at the top for a flap to keep stuff from falling out as easy.

I also decided to added a divider inside for two compartments.

I put the bias tape on the inner divider, then sewed the three layers (front, back and divider) down the sides to within 2" of the bottom.

The next part is hard to explain, but I sewed a seam at a right angle to the side seam, going out an inch in either direction to form a flat bottom. I experimented with different shapes first by "sewing" it with straight pins several different ways until I had it like I wanted it.

Biased tape was applied around the opening and flap.

Then I cut a strip of material and surged each side (I don't own a serge machine. I just zig-zagged along the edge). I double sewed the straps onto the bag.
I may add a button or buckle later to hold the flap closed.
You can see the divder here.
The flexi case fits nicely in the bottom, and takes up about a third of one compartment height wise. There is a little room to add important papers for errands or maybe at a later date a small amount of inventory for immediate sale underneath in a bag of some sort.

The whole project took a couple of hours and wasn't really hard to do. The gusset on the bottom of the bag was probably the hardest part with the zipper next.

Anyone is welcome to use my idea, but I would love to see pictures of your versions:-)

Friday, July 18, 2014

My Book Business

"Save 15% when you buy 15 or more standard or premium print books through July 21st with the code JBD14.

Here's the best part: The 15% off is on top of our regular volume discounts. So use this opportunity to stock up on your book at a great discount or fill your shelves with fresh new books to read." http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/bettysbooks

Just in case, you know, you were wanting to buy 15 copies of one of my books:-)

And I just checked my emails and found this:
"It's a Friday Flash Sale! We all love Fridays and we thought we'd get the weekend off to a great start with a 13% off flash sale. Why 13%? We just love the number 13.

Through July 21, save 13% on all Standard and Premium books with code FLASHY13."

Happy Shopping! http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/bettysbooks  

Lilla Rose hair accessories

These ahve really blessed my family! They are sturdy, don't all out of even our slippery hair, and are beautiful to boot! today's sale:

Consultants with Lilla Rose get a 30% discount on all items (with only a $30 per year minimum sales requirement. Seriously? Christmas alone will take care of that!), so if you want to buy the product anyway, it's a great deal:-) Just go to BeSTclips.TracyEnt.com and sign up:-)

It is nearly vacation time and we find we haven't saved nearly enough money towards it, since the price of gas isn't coming down very fast. So Hubby challenged me to not buy any meat this week. Since he agreed he could go a week without his chicken, this is the menu for each meal:
(My week starts Friday afternoon because that is when I go shopping)
  • Pizza (dough is cheap to make, add cheese, olives, a can of pineapples, and 1 pound of sausage we already have in the freezer.)
  • hamburgers (already have the meat. Just need to pick up some buns- $1 a pack)
  • Breakfast bread (probably a muffin recepie in the bread machine. Add milk and a can of fruit)
  • Biscuits and whatever breakfast meat is in the freezer or eggs.
  • coffee cake (again, made in the bread machine overnight plus milk or eggs. Eggs are very cheap, especially when we already are feeding the hens).
  • Pancakes plus whatever meat we already have, milk or eggs.
  • Breakfast at grandma's for the kids. I'll have either eggs and toast or cereal.
  • corn dogs (already in the freezer)
  • Lunch at church (we bring the bread [pennies], and a desert [either a mix of some sort that we already have or pennies from scratch])
  • mac and cheese (we will have to buy the cheese, but we make the sauce from scratch)
  • hash (potatoes, eggs, cheese, veggies all fried together)
  • pizza (see above)
  • either salad (with boiled eggs and tuna from the cupboard) or eat at grandma's.
  • lunch with grandma and grandpa.
  •  Spaghetti (already have hamburger in the freezer, as well as all the other ingredients)
  • stew (mostly leftovers thrown into a pot and boiled)
  • nachoes (gotta buy the chips and cheese. Have everything else)
  • chicken pot pie (I have chicken cooked and deboned in the freezer, so not a big deal to assemble the rest)
  • ham and mushed taters (have a ham in the freezer)
  • salad or tacos (the menu says chef salad, but I am not usually in the mood for that by Wednesday night and usually change it at the last minute to tacos. the meat's in the freezer, so no big deal either way)
  • For Thursday, the kids are usually at my mom's so I'll fix Hubby and I whatever I can find in the freezer.
Be interesting to see how I do:-)

 Working on books

In my daily devotionals I am writing a commentary on exodus, which is requiering me to figure out the Egyptian timeline (which pharoah is which). Fascinating stuff! The fact is, we really don't know yet, but there is intreging evidence that the Exodus occured during the 18th dynasty http://www.bible.ca/archeology/bible-archeology-exodus-date-1440bc.htm

I am also beginning to convert all the books I have listed with our manufacturer (all 17 of them!) into more than 2 formats. Up until now your choices have been standard paperback or pdf. Now my great aunt's poetry book is available in hardback, standard paperback, value paperback, pdf and I am more than half done re-formatting it to be available on Kindle. This will take some time to accomplish, but I think it will be worth it:-) http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/bettysbooks?searchTerms=auntie%27s


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Don't know beans

Well, I don't.

My family never ate many beans growing up. My dad came from a dirt poor, abusive family and beans were a staple in their home. As an adult he won't hardly ever eat them (peanutbutter either). So I didn't have them much growing up.

Hubby's family wasn't into beans either.

So, after 28 years as a married woman, I have decided (with Hubby's blessing) to learn to cook beans. Oh, I've tried a couple of times before, kind of half heartedly. But now I need to do it for real.


  • Beans are an incredible source of protein, and if you add a grain product (which we do at each meal anyway) they form a complete protein (all the essential amino acids).
  • Beans are high in fiber, probably the number one nutrient missing from the American (and my family's) diet.
  • Beans keep for 2-3 years without refrigeration or canning so they are great for stocking up and emergency preparedness. You just need some 5-gallon buckets.
  • Beans are high in many, many of the vitamins found in other veggies.
and lastly
  • Beans are ridiculously cheap!
In fact, the only things wrong with beans are:
  • They take a long time to cook
  • The taste (really more the texture than taste).
Money is a bit tight and we would like like to take a vacation at the end of summer, so if I can replace, say, 1/5 of our meat with beans, it just might leave us enough to buy gas to get to somewhere.

We'll see.

Between money and allergies, I have begun to make as much as possible  from scratch. 

  • Laundry soap- check
  • yougurt- check
  • dish soap, not so much. I will try it with Fells Naphtha instead of Ivory as a base today and see what happens.
  • I think I am ready to try a homemade shampoo today.

And still talking about money,but otherwise a totally different subject...

I accidentally had a catalog party with my LillaRose business:-D How do you "accidentally" have a party? Well, three ladies at church mobbed me at the beginning of the month and told me they had money and things they wanted to order. Then one of them was telling some co-workers about her order and they wanted to see some catalogs. I dropped those off, and she took two new orders for me. So, well, it was an accidental party. I will actually make a small commission on this one:-)

And my book manufacturer has convinced me to offer all my books in more than just paperback and eBook formats. So coming soon...

Completely re-editted

First Things First: The Book of Genesis

In hardcover, paperback, value paperback and eBook formats!

(My other books will follow as soon as possible, but the homeschool book is in the middle of an updating, and due to some new resource on dating and biblical timelines I am re-editting the Bible commentaries.)

This Immigration Panel Wasn’t Expecting This Furious Response From John McCain | The Political Insider

This Immigration Panel Wasn’t Expecting This Furious Response From John McCain | The Political Insider

Now, all of the sudden they are concerned about the privacy of children?
They haven't been since the invention of TV. For 60 years every
disaster has included pictures; personal, heart rending pictures. Why
all of a sudden are there no pictures? What are they trying to hide?

Scientists Blow The Lid on Cancer & Sunscreen Myth | REALfarmacy.com | Healthy News and Information

Scientists Blow The Lid on Cancer & Sunscreen Myth | REALfarmacy.com | Healthy News and Information: The link between melanoma and sun exposure (dermatology’s dogma) is unproven.There’s no conclusive evidence that sunburns lead to cancer.There is no real proof that sunscreens protect against melanoma.There’s no proof that increased exposure to the sun increases the risk of melanoma.

I knew it!

How could something so all pervasive that God created and called "good" be bad for us?

Our Year without Groceries | Issue Two | Let's Gather

Our Year without Groceries | Issue Two | Let's Gather

I would LOVE to do something like this. But unfortunately it's not that easy.

We simply can't rely on being able to grow anything at all ourselves and just can't afford the handful of local farmers. We live in the northern desert (north Nevada) No rain, essentially and freezing temperatures (sometimes in July!) Our growing season is June to September, but that is unreliable. Our dirt is rocks held together with clay and sagebrush (short sagebrush, like you see on infertile land) The winds in August dehydrate everything on the vine (you can practically stand there with a running hose on a plant and watch it wither!) And if we can overcome the weather, we have to deal with the bugs swarming to the only green around, the sparrows, quail, jack rabbits and mustangs (yes, MUSTANGS!) invading the garden. We do have chickens,but have to buy feed for them since our 1 acre just doesn't produce enough to feed them. Our rabbits were basically non-producers (we have a new breed and it looks good so far, but there again, we have to buy feed). 

All these "live without the grocery stores" or "cut your grocery bill in half" stories start with big gardens and lots of local farmers. Honestly, there is a reason this area isn't known as "the Bread Basket of America." The few "local" farmers there are live an hour away and the extra gas to truck the produce to the local Farmer's Markets raises their cost so much that, well, fruits and veggies would be out of the question if it wasn't for Wal-Mart.

Coupons have helped some, but not enough. Most coupons are for processed foods or housekeeping items we have allergies to.

I price match, shop sales, make a monthly menu, never go to the store hungry or without a list.

But still, we spend way too much:-(

This "way too much" is between $200 and $250 per person per month (though that does include allowances, school supplies, shoes, pet foods, and clothes at the local thrift store.)

How is a, uhhh, financially uncomfortable family supposed to make it?

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

LAF/Beautiful Womanhood � Stop the War on Boys in Classrooms – Homeschool

LAF/Beautiful Womanhood � Stop the War on Boys in Classrooms – Homeschool

I agree SOOOO much with both the video and the article. Our society is now a Matriarchal one. Boys don't have a chance.

Monday, July 07, 2014

Liberals Hate Religion Because Government Is Their God - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Liberals Hate Religion Because Government Is Their God - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

The 7 bank accounts every family should have - Fun Cheap or Free

The 7 bank accounts every family should have - Fun Cheap or Free

It has made a big difference in our budgeting since I opened 2 accounts in my name with sub accounts for each child (but Josh:-) One account gets all the money I am responsible for in a week (groceries, allowances, clothes, etc). I transfer the allowance money into my other account from there, which I then distribute to each child's own account (with their own per-loaded credit card. How is a per-loaded credit card different from a debit card? No idea). Each child is responsible for their own money and can even order from amazon if they want. They don't have to worry about me forgetting and not having the cash on hand. I don't have to worry about the balance on the family's account; spending too much on clothes and not having money for the utilities, for example.

This article has several good ideas for savings accounts, though I can't really see us going to 7 (not counting children) accounts any time soon:-D

Why Dads Shouldn't Be In the Delivery Room | Pregnancy

Why Dads Shouldn't Be In the Delivery Room | Pregnancy

Interesting opinions, and I can see the point.

M hubby was there for the birth of all nine of our children and he never hindered. Our last five were homebirths and he never sugested going in for pain relief. He knew I was strong and could do it, even though my first four births did have pain control.

But, yea, I can see Dr Odent's point. There is a reason we are the only culture EVER to allow men in the birth room. Not because other men don't care (they do). But because women are different when men are around. 

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

PepsiCo CEO: Women Can't Have It All - Business Insider

PepsiCo CEO: Women Can't Have It All - Business Insider

How incredibly sad. These kids didn't have a mom, they had a committee. And we wonder why depression, eating disorders and suicide are up.  Children don't need the same answers all the time. They need human connection. They need to build relationships. a secratary asking a strigng of question is not relationship building.

No, women can't have it all. Neither can men. Parents who work outside the home, men or women, miss the important times in their kids lives and have greater stress in their marriages. They are, in fact, trusting someone else to do the parenting while they are gone.

The parent is the one who spends the most time with a child, not the one who birthed them.