Monday, February 17, 2014

Abortion- because it matter

15 Reasons the Abortion Industry is Losing Its Support by George Grant | Ligonier Ministries Blog

They did leave out one I think may be even more important: Ultrasounds. Everyone younger than me has grown up seeing pictures of their unborn relatives and freiend's children. We can all plainly see it really is a baby.

Planned Parenthood: still a bigger liar than Wendy Davis | The Matt Walsh Blog
 PP (a multi-billion dollar a year business) only has 3% of its business as abortion if you count the pregnancy test, and the Tylenol after wards and all the other individual things involved in an abortion as separate services.

Abortion and the pain of motherhood... | BaylyBlog
Life is painful, but even imperfect people have the right to live

14 Disturbing Facts About Abortion That You Need To Know

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