Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Obama's War on the First Amendment - Eagle Forum

Obama's War on the First Amendment - Eagle Forum


  1. How is Obama forcing someone to give up their first amendment rights? You have a right to believe as you see fit, but you do not have the right to force others to believe as you do. Hobby Lobby is not a church or religious institution. It is a crafts and hobby store. While the owners may be against birth control or plan B, but they do not get to choose what their employees are able to get on insurance that the employee pays for. I'm having a hard time seeing how Hobby Lobby is being persecuted for their belief. They are the ones harming their employees.

  2. Hobby Lobby is doing, and never has done, anything to prevent their employees from buying birth control or insurance that pays for birth control.

    What Obamacare does is force Hobby Lobby to pay for insurance that covers birth control even though they sincerely believe doing so will send them (Hobby Lobby owners) to hell. The government is dictating what they are legally allowed to believe ("You are forbidden to believe it is a sin to provide birth control"). This is a clear violation of the first amendment in every way.

    As you said, " You have a right to believe as you see fit, but you do not have the right to force others to believe as you do." BO believes birth control is ok and is forcing people who disagree with him to pay for other people's birthcontrol. President or not, this is a violation of basic Human Rights.

    Put it this way, if we allow the gove under BO to force Hobby Lobby to believe like they do, than the next time we have a Republican president he will have the power to force everyone to believe as he does. Do you really want the president to have that power? No? Then, whether you agree with HL or not, you must stand up for their right to follow their religion in every area of life.


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