Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Diets, vaccines, fat and vampires.

The Well-Rounded Mama: Nutrient Deficits in People of Size

Could nutrient deficiency be one cause of obesity in the first place? Could the need for certain nutrients drive over eating or, worse, cause the body to hoard the reasonable amount it does get in an effort to get the vitamins and nutrients it needs?

The Well-Rounded Mama: Twin Study: Dieting Makes You Fatter

Written in technical talk, but it means that when one twin chose to diet and they other didn't, the dieting twin got fat! So maybe the reason some people can eat anything they want is BECAUSE they have always eaten anything they want.

Dieting does appear to make you fat, not the other way around.

The Well-Rounded Mama: Maternal Obesity and Autism: Science Sensationalism Run Amok

Have you seen these reports? They say that obesity and autism have both risen in the last couple of decades. They imply that obesity, then, must be causing autism. Problems with this:

  • Obesity leveled out more than a decade ago. It ISN'T increasing. Autism, however, continues to rise.
  • C-sections, pitocin inductions, dieting during pregnancy, ultrasounds, the number of vaccines given a baby, cell phones, laptop computers, wireless devices, tattoos, and shows about vampires have also increased dramatically in the last two decade (more, in fact, than obesity has increased on a percentage basis). 
Does this mean that obesity also causes vampires? or that Autism causes cell phones? Of course not. 
Just because 2 things happen at the same time doesn't mean one causes the other. A third factor might be causing both (how about some chemical reaction in vaccines causing our metabolisms to slow down enough to make us gain weight AND vaccines also causing Autism?). 
Or it might simply be coincidence (laptops may not really have anything to do with tattoos. They just happen to both be popular at the same time.)
  • It is possible this was just a coincidence and there really isn't any correlation at all. They just happened to get fat mommas for this study. The next one might just happen to get skinny ones.
In short, any time you hear this kind of study, take it all with a grain of salt.

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