Friday, December 20, 2013

(Ok, I just have to throw a quick comment in here on the whole Duck Dynasty thing:
  • Phil has every right in the world to hold any beliefs he wants to. If you don't agree with that, than you believe in thought police and speech control.
  • Phil has every right to voice his own observations from his own life. Who is anyone to say he hasn't experienced what he has?
  • A&E has every right to fire whoever they want to. They are under no obligation to put anyone on the air anytime.
  • I am perfectly free to NEVER watch an A&E show again in my life. Good luck in the furture, A&E, cause you just slit your own throat!)
Now on to today's previously scheduled programing...

Eagle Forum Blog: Why Can't We Cut Education Spending?

And from a moral point of view:

Every child deserves a private education.

We all know that public school is the bottom of the barrel, educationally. We need to leave the tax money with the family so they can provide their own children with the best available on the planet: American Private and Home schools.

And if you think we are too addicted to the gov paying for it, the average private school is only $3000 while the average homeschooler only spends about $600 per year. The average public school spends $10,000 per child. So cut a check (voucher) to the child for half of what we would spend on public school. The child gets a private school education and the tax payer gets a tax cut. Win/win.

American Thinker: Closets and Christians

"First, why do the very people that constantly tell us that what a person does in their bedroom is no one else's business, simultaneously find it necessary to inform everyone of what they do in their bedroom?" 

There is a definite biased in this country against Christians. It is, in fact, persecution. Not, thankfully as bad as in the Middle East where believers in Christ are killed every day, but persecution it still is. The left are hypocrites. They only tolerate those who agree with them.

Cruel Laws by Walter E. Williams on - A Syndicate Of Talent

We do NOT have a free economy! It is VERY government controlled at all levels with the favor always given to the already established (usually big) businesses. It's time to change.

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