Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Like Junk Science on the Climate, Saturated-Fat Fearmongering Has Been Exposed as Baseless - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Like Junk Science on the Climate, Saturated-Fat Fearmongering Has Been Exposed as Baseless - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "More than a billion dollars have been spent trying to prove Ancel Keys's hypothesis, but evidence of its benefits has never been produced. It is time to put the saturated-fat hypothesis to bed and to move on to test other possible culprits for our nation's health woes."

"he didn't choose countries randomly but instead selected only those likely to prove his beliefs."

I know, I know- Rush is evil. Actually as long as I don't tell people who said it, they agree with me when I quote Rush.

Anyway, what he is on about  here matches my research exactly. It is the man-mad foods (sugar, hfcs, white flour, bologna) that will kill you. The God made ones (beef, butter, milk) are good for you.

I know from being the daughter of a hypoglycimic all my life that the brain functions best on protein. Yet what do the food-nazis tell us not to eat? Well, yeah, fat. But that fat is always attached to protein. High carb diets make people who can't think.

And they whole ides gets us used to obeying the government. Watch the movie 84 sometime. Then watch news clips from over the last 50 years. You will see the same changing of opinions over and over again.


Anyway, enjoy your highly, natural beef, butter, whole (preferably raw) milk, cheese, etc. They are good for you.

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